Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

screenshots from days of yore…

kay! So here’s the part where I show you some examples of what my working environment looks like. =:) Mind you, these aren’t all THAT exciting, and are intended only to give you an example of the flexibility that you have in running FreeBSD/Linux/UNIX/anything other than Microsoft’s Windows (sometimes) Operating Systems. I say “(sometimes)” because they are as a general rule SO horribly unstable compared to FreeBSD/Linux/UNIX. Anyhoo, enough talking… here’s the pic’s. Feel free to click on the images and up will pop a new window with the full-sized graphic (1024×768)….

Let’s see…. In this shot, I’m

  • developing the banner for my site in gimp
  • while running artwiz‘s “cliche” theme for blackbox.
  • And look, there’s my mutt e-mail client (VERY well-done program).
  • I’m running blackbox version 0.60.3 in this shot, and you can also see my bbkeys program running, and Pax’s bbpal running (the friendly little blinking turtle). =:)
  • Oh–also, you can see Bill Wilson’s gkrellm system monitor (also an extremely well-written program)–and it’s completely themeable as well!! =:)
  • Like I said, nothing extraordinary, but the graphics are great, the speed is great, and the stability is the best I’ve ever seen….

Alrighty. Nothing exciting whatsoever going on in this screenshot, in fact, it’s *gasp* a different window manager!!!

  • Here I’m running the sawfish window manager with I don’t remember which theme.
  • Also running is the gkrellm systems monitor that I mentioned above, gimp, and the gnome thingey-majigger on the bottom of the screen. I believe they call it the “panel”, which is sort of like Windows’s task-bar launcher and menu. Actually, I think I’ve only used sawfish maybe three times. =:) It’s pretty well-done, and it integrates very nicely with gnome’s desktop environment.

I guess my main issue is that I’ve only got a Pentium II-300 mhz machine with 64 megs of RAM (no, I can’t get more), and blackbox is just SOOOO much faster and more responsive than ANYTHING else I’ve ever used that I just always keep coming back. =:) Kudos, by the way, to Brad for the blackbox window manager–it is as near perfection as I can imagine. =:)

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