and now for something completely different
Saturday September 25, 2004
Groovy!! So, like tigert put it, “What happened to the site that never updates!?” =:)
I’ve been formatting my site like a blog for the last 4 years+. I’ve had content on individual pages, which I would update every, oh, year or so, and when I had the time to update them, instead of replacing the content on the page, I would prepend it with another entry, with the date listed as to when I posted that content.
You know… like a blog. =:D
The only problem with this nifty little model is that it was ridiculously hard to update the content. I had to open vmware, open dreamweaver, add content, ftp it up, etc., etc. (okay, well, that doesn’t sound all that difficult saying this now, but it was!). My point is that the method of updating my site was prohibitive to actually updating my site. And that’s no good for anyone, no sir. =:)
So, after some serious speaks with my good friend Mike, and a good week of investigations, I’ve decided on WordPress. It seems decent enough, and it’s free, as in beer, speech, and jello.
I guess my only concern is that instead of having all of my content in files that I can back up in CVS, I’m totally reliant on my web host to not crash and burn my database and all of my content. In other words, if they get cracked again, etc., my content is completely gone. I’m thinking I’ll want to take weekly backups of my MySQL database and copy them to my local filesystems and back them up that way, to be safe. Um, and the only problem with that is that I’ll most likely forget.
Anyone else have any thoughts on this concern, or how to solve it?
dude — ur site is like so 1980’s. Reminds me of an old Outfield song.
ladies and gentlemen, my good friend Shawn!!!