I’ve been hit, Captain!!
Tuesday October 19, 2004
Danged, stinking, stupid comment spammers. There are some induhviduals that are not worth the powder it would take to blow them up, honestly. Some knucklehead, let’s call him “Author : free texas holdem (IP: , gardeenhc.demon.co.uk)”, for the lack of a better name, has decided to comment-spam me. So, a quick google search for “wordpress comment spam” turns up this page, which outlines several things one can do to combat this sort of stupidity.
So, I’ve added the Blacklist Comment Spam Plugin, and I think I’m going to add the Comment Moderation Plugin, and the Auto shutoff comments one too. Piece of carp….
I’ve decided to use the blacklist comment spam plugin only for the time being. I installed the comment moderation plugin, which works pretty well, but I think I’ll take this one step at a time and see if just the blacklist will stop this thing. I did notice that the shmuck who comment-spammed me is in the blacklist already, so maybe there’s hope.
[update again]
Ahh, screw it. texas-holdem-0, you can kiss my hiney. Because of this loser, I’m turning the Comment Moderation Plugin back on. Also, I feel the need to halo tonight. =:)
Just trying out the comment moderation….
duh, have to turn on comment moderation…. trying again.
w00t. it works. hopefully this won’t annoy people and drive them away from posting comments. =:/