The importance of a good user design for your toilet
Saturday October 30, 2004
Just found this page. I don’t know how I got there… I think I followed a link from Kevin Fox’s site. Anyway, this is quite funny….
And not just any old digital toilet. Japan’s Toto, the world’s largest toilet maker, has taken a bidet and added an impressive array of high-tech wizardry to create the Jasmin Washlet, a remote-control, computerized toilet seat with more functions than your VCR. It is all intended to — how shall we say this? — cut down on paperwork.
Forget the reading material. Jasmin will keep you busy setting digital controls that allow you to adjust the temperature of the water, water pressure, and the gender-appropriate direction of the water.
But it’s the buttons indicating the gender of Jasmin’s user — crucial information for determining the direction of the water stream — that has been a real problem.
A small ponytail is added to one icon so users can let Jasmin know. Of course — particularly in the tech world, and in the Bay Area — the ponytail is no longer gender specific. And hitting the wrong button has its consequences.
“That can be quite a surprise,” Page noted.
lol. =:)
2 things I take from this…
1) It’s quite funny in its own regard, the thought of someone getting a shot of water in an unexpected place while sitting on a toilet because of a less-than-completely-intuitive user interface.
2) The more I read about Google (well, more specifically, the more I read the blogs of those employed at Google), the more I feel like I’m really missing out on something unique, fulfilling, and… well… other wistful adjectives.