Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

My internet connection is better than yours is

… or at the very least, my internet connection (now) is WORLDS better than my internet connection (last week). I’ve made the jump back from Verizon DSL to Comcast Cable modem (which, I must say, feels kind of dirty). $19.99 for 3 months, and then $58/month after that. Not great, but not horrible. And the speed alone makes it worthwhile, at least until I start getting the $58/month bill.

I tested my connection with Verizon DSL before I got cable and it reported 700k down and 124k up. Suck! I just got the cable-modem installed yesterday, tested again, and got back speeds of 3.5M down and 364k up. ROCK! =:)

Anywho, the whole reason behind this was the fact that playing Street Fighter Anniversary Collection over DSL (at least for me) was completely unacceptable. I complained about this before. Well, I tried playing the same game yesterday after I got my cable modem up and running, and had absolutely zero problems. Much better!!

Oh–and I would have been more than happy to stay with Verizon DSL, but they don’t offer a better speed for my house due to the distance I live from their switching station, etc.

Okay, bye.

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