What’s going on, today
Tuesday August 30, 2005
Miscellany meanderings….
- My lovely wifey and I and our eldest beautiful daughter finally painted our kitchen over the last couple of days. It was well overdue, and I am everytime amazed by how much of a difference a good coat of paint makes!
- I don’t care if it might not be from John Cleese, this Declaration of Revocation is absolutely hilarious!
- Aaron Seigo is a very lucky man. He has been recently hired/sponsored by Trolltech to work full-time on KDE. This is my dream job, and while I wholeheartedly wish him the absolute best of luck, I also can’t help but be extremely jealous.
- I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need a bigger hard drive for the laptop that my work has let me use. It’s only 30 gigs and since I have to keep Windows XP installed on it (it is only allowed to have 7 gigs, but still–that’s a pretty big chunk out of the hard drive!!) in case support is ever needed on it, I am running low on space. Combine that with the fact that I keep a 4-gig VMWare virtual machine on my Linux /home partition so that I can do things every great once in a while that require Windows, I really only have 15 or so gigs to keep everything that I do on. Not enough. And replacement 2.5″ laptop hard drives are NOT cheap, unfortunately.
I gather from the link that your laptop is only USB 1.1, but if you could survive the low data rates, Newegg has this 120-gig USB 2.0 drive for $89, with a $10 mail-in rebate you can fill out for it.
Do you have FireWire on the machine? You might look into FW-only drives if you do (the tech specs link says that some machines of your model have it). They’re not exactly cheap, but transfer rates are excellent, and Newegg has this 120-gig FireWiredrive for $111, with a $20 mail-in rebate.
Yah, actually, the slow data transfer rates are part of what’s killing me. It makes my laptop run REALLY slow. Still, that’s a tempting thought…. Wonder how painful it would be.
Nope–no firewire, unfortunately. =:/
PCMCIA FireWire card?
It sounds like this guy found it painless to get the Zonet ZUN2300 working with his Fedora Core system.
Just a thought; I don’t know much about laptops, since my current “laptop” is a 1996 luggable, and it’s mostly used to showcase the flexibility of Linux, in the form of the offensively-named but undeniably cool **** Small Linux.
Dunno if you’re familiar with it; it’s a full distro (including Perl and a small C compiler, even!) in just under 50 MB. Very cool little bit of work.