Things That Really Piss Me Off, or CNN
Thursday September 29, 2005
Please explain to me why, in… what year is this again… 2005… people… nay, COMPANIES… insist on using stupid, dumb, ridiculous, unnecessary, proprietary, exclusionary, browser-sniffing, One-Platform-ONLY “solutions”????
CNN, please explain to me how you can legitimately not care whatsoever about the growing population of Internet users who might like to use your site who CANNOT or CHOSE NOT TO run Internet Explorer, Windows, or Windows Media Player??? Just because I choose not to (or maybe can’t afford to??) use Windows, you think I’m unworthy of seeing the videos that make up the user experience on your site??? How about doing something sensible like providing a link to the media file regardless of what OS your visitor might be using, and maybe following it at the bottom with a disclaimer along the lines of “this site might not work if you don’t run Windows and have WMP installed”, if you absolutely think that’s necessary???
If you care, here’s where you can tell CNN what you think about their absolutely ridiculous exclusion of non-Windows/non-WMP site viewers.
As if I wasn’t already in a foul mood….