WOW!! This has to be the coolest video I’ve seen in years!! The art and animation is absolutely gorgeous! And to mix it in with the intentionally out of place live singing head… BRILLIANT, I tell you! Genius, I say! =;)
The song itself is awesome. Catchy beat, great execution, love the strings, love the vocals, dig the synth, love the deep grinding base lines!! Fantastic! But the video…. WOW. So incredibly cool.
I’ve had the song on my laptop and Clie for 2 days now and it’s just about all I’ve been listening to, interspersed with Pink Floyd here and there. =:)
Did I mention how cool the video was???
Seriously, the video makes the song so much cooler. As I’m listening to the song, half of the smile on my face is coming from the quirky, well-done video.
Love it.
Now, warning…. The band itself and their CD’s don’t rank up there all that highly, as they are neither kid, family, nor clean-language friendly, so I can’t recommend anything else by them. But this song and video just made my week.