Converting a CVS Repository to Subversion
Friday April 21, 2006
I had thought that this would be a straight-forward mission, but it was not. While the front-end tools look and feel very much the same between CVS and Subversion, the back ends are VERY different. Honestly, I much-prefer the CVS approach (all flat-files, predictably placed in $CVSROOT), but since that’s probably part of the problem of CVS’s lack of flexibility with file/directory moves, etc., it’s understandable that Subversion does it differently.
Anyway, in using cvs2svn to convert my existing CVS repositories, I faced a problem that was covered in cvs2svn’s FAQ:
How can I convert project foo so that trunk/tags/branches are inside of foo?
Given a CVS repository with the layout:
/project_bcvs2svn will produce a Subversion repository with the following layout:
…However, you may want your Subversion repository to be laid out like this:
…Currently, cvs2svn does not support converting a repository in this manner (see Issue #86 for details), however, there is a workaround. You can convert your repository one project (or module) at a time and load the individual dumpfiles into your Subversion repository using svnadmin with the –parent-dir switch. See the answer to How can I convert my CVS repository one module at a time? for details.
However, what I couldn’t find was a script that would help me do this (of course, there’s most probably one out “there” somewhere, but I didn’t honestly have time to look that hard). So I created one and here it is:
#!/bin/bash . ~/.profile.common OLDCVSROOT=/home/cvsroot/blah NEWSVNROOT=/home/svnroot/blah CVS2SVNDIR=${HOME}/builds/cvs2svn-1.3.0 TMPCVSROOT=$(pwd)/tmpcvsroot TMPWORKDIR=$(pwd)/tmpdir TMPSVNDUMP=$(pwd)/tmpsvndumps mkdir ${TMPCVSROOT} mkdir ${TMPWORKDIR} mkdir ${TMPSVNDUMP} STARTDIR=$(pwd) # create svn repository # (commented out because this should be done before this process starts) #svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs ${NEWSVNROOT} for module in $(ls -1 --color=never ${OLDCVSROOT}| grep -v CVSROOT) ; do module=$(basename $module) echo "now working on module->$module< -" # copy one module at a time (don't work on original repository) mkdir ${TMPCVSROOT}/$module-root/ cp -r ${OLDCVSROOT}/CVSROOT ${TMPCVSROOT}/$module-root/ cp -r ${OLDCVSROOT}/$module ${TMPCVSROOT}/$module-root/ # create an svn dump file from the copied CVS modulesitory/module cd ${CVS2SVNDIR} ./cvs2svn -q --tmpdir=${TMPWORKDIR} --dump-only --dumpfile=${TMPSVNDUMP}/$module.dump ${TMPCVSROOT}/$module-root/$module cd ${STARTDIR} # create the parent directory in svn... svn mkdir file://${NEWSVNROOT}/$module -m "Added $module directory." # now load the dump into svn svnadmin -q --parent-dir=$module load ${NEWSVNROOT} < ${TMPSVNDUMP}/$module.dump done
When you wrote this blog entry, a solution like yours was definitely required. But for the information who read this in “modern” times (e.g., after October 2006), I would like to comment that “multiproject conversions” have been supported by cvs2svn since release 1.5.0. Information is in the FAQ.