Current Mood: Contentical
Friday June 16, 2006
“Contentical” as in “pretty okey dokey with how things are going as of late” that is.
My beautiful children and bride are sort of settling in in our new home. My bride is making some friends here and there, as are my kiddos. There is reportedly a homeschooling luncheon/picnic/get-together thingey tomorrow that we’ll be partaking in!! We have a Father/Kiddo thing going on at church this Sunday. And we’ll be joining in on the church July 4th picnic celebration thinger 2 weeks following that. Feels good to start getting involved with and meeting people again.
Despite having to pay $250 recently to get a Terminix contract going on our new home (I’d like it if carpenter ants don’t destroy the rather large investment we’ve made in our new home), it really is a beautiful home that God has blessed us with. I am totally content with it. I’ve been doing a little bit of patching up little holes in walls (some of which were caused by our moving into said domicile) and I’m replacing a handrail (again, though this will be a MUCH smaller project than last time). =;) But that’s normal owning-a-home stuff. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately up here. Lynn and I looked at the weather yesterday evening and we noted that back in Harrisburg, our friends are enjoying(?) temps up in the 90’s, while we’re quite happy with the 75-degree average. =;)
With all the rain we’ve been having as of late, we have our very own lake (well, not really, but quite a bit of water) in the back of our property that’s just sort of sitting there as opposed to be working itself into a stream or what-not. I think I know where I need to build a trench to avoid it happening again, but we’ll see…. And having a riding mower (God blessed us with that when we bought this house) is T3H C()()L35T!!! I don’t know how I’ve managed to mow the lawn by pushing a mower along for all these years! =;)
I’ve actually gotten to get back into kpilot development a smidge a couple of weekends ago, which makes me truly happy. Finding time consistently to get work done on it is still proving to be a monumental challenge, but I guess that’s okay, based on Adriaan‘s time-slicing too. =;) I have at least been able to work with Adriaan to get kpilot svn to the point that I’m running it daily both at home and work. Next up: multi-PC syncing improvements!!
And my little Linux-on-my-powerbook-G4 experiment is going really, really well. I think just about all that I really miss now is Flash, though I’ve done my part to try to get it available for Linux-PPC.
And with good movies coming out soon and good friends‘ visits being discussed, I bid you adieu, guten aben, and good dreams.
Glad to hear things are going well for you atm.
Particularly w/ regard to Linux PPC, but life in general as well.
God is good.
Hey Nate! Yes, He definitely is good!! =:)