Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

PSP And Real Playlists?

Dearest Lazyweb,

I’m seriously confused. It would seem that this incredibly awesome little multimedia gadget called the PSP can’t actually pull off having more than one playlist for a single directory of songs??? Let me get this straight… you seriously want me to copy the same song to 10 different directories if I want 10 playlists with that song in it?

You’re kidding right?

Please, Sony, please fix this?

Sincerely yours,

Callme Perplexed

2 Replies to “PSP And Real Playlists?”

  • You’re correct. There is no real way to do ‘traditional’ playlists, as far as I know.

    I know the PSP supports .m3u playlists (called a Group), but only for the purpose of determining song order. Only one playlist per folder, all songs must be in the same folder as the playlist and no playlists in the root folder.

    I used to use my PSP to play music on my way to school but I quickly realized that any sort of substantial collection becomes fairly hard to manage and even harder to create ‘mix-and-matched’ playlists from various artists and albums.

    I decided on the iRiver Clix2 and have been very happy ever since. šŸ™‚

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