Sanity Restored: Artwiz Fonts in Kubuntu Hardy
Saturday May 17, 2008
I switched from SUSE 10.3 to Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) just this evening. It’s always good to get a feel for how the various distros are doing. Anyway, it took me a bit of digging to figure out how to get the artwiz fonts (smoothansi, in particular) to work as my konsole font. Thanks to this article for the help! Couple of notes: Ubuntu Hardy doesn’t ship xfonts-artwiz anymore, apparently. Download them from this sourceforge project. The trick is to tell fontconfig to use bitmapped fonts by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config.
Blasphemy! Everyone knows that the best terminal font is Terminus.. 🙂
If you need iso8859 characters try these:
they also have a bold version of each font.
@Dan: Wow, cool! I didn’t know Terminus existed. I think I still like smoothansi better, personally.
@Vsantos: Awesome! Thanks! I didn’t know that project existed either. =:) Although, now that I got the other ones working, I’m not sure I need the latin1 ones. Thanks though! =:)
Thanks for this tip, Jason!
I don’t know why they dropped these fonts in the repos, but this is very cool
Artwiz…I remember him! I wonder what he’s up to…