I know it’s stealing Firefox3’s thunder, but Opera 9.5 was just released and it is REALLY well done. I have always been amazed at how blazing fast it is and this release continues in that vein.
- Is it just me or does the Gmail “move to trash” / “delete” shortcut (shift+3 or “#”) TOTALLY not stinking work in Opera???? I am just blown away by this. I am trying to not let it irritate me to the point of switching back to Firefox (I mean, there are other things that will probably do it (see below)), but it is increasingly frustrating.
- When editing a wordpress post, if you hit “Enter” in the Visual editor, it pre-pends a newline?? Um, wtf??
- Mouse bindings rock!! Just remember that you need to edit your “Mouse” shortcuts, not your “Keyboard” shortcuts to make “Button8” (at least on my Logitech VX (ROQXORZ!!!) mouse) bind to “Back” and “Button9” bind to “Forward”. Heh. Silly Jason…
- When editing an e-mail in Gmail’s visual editor, “Enter”, “Backspace” and “Delete” can’t seem to interrupt a previous quote and get rid of the preceding “quote” vertical line?? You know… like for inline commenting?? Gr!
- I’m sure there’s more, but that’s all I have time for now. =:/
- UPDATE: Webex anyone?? Why can I not launch a webex session from Opera, even if I mask Opera as Firefox?? =:(
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