Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

iPhone; KPilot Summer of Code; Five Fingers

Warning. Random brain dump coming…

Food for thought that I spotted on my lifehacker feed today… Why You’re Better Off Avoiding the iPhone

… this is a hypocrite’s confession. I purchased and use an iPhone, but I hate being locked into Apple’s proprietary system.

Original impetus was 5 reasons to avoid iPhone 3G [Free Software Foundation]. Hm. I’m still locked into my Sprint account until October, so I’m on a forced wait regardless of whether I wanted to run out and buy one right now anyway.

In other news, my awesome Summer of Code student, Bertjan, is making great strides in our unstable version of KPilot (trunk, which will be in KDE 4.2). He’s well into the middle of writing a new contacts conduit for KPilot, which will utilize the new Akonadi goodness that will serve as the core of KDE PIM in KDE 4.2 and beyond. Woot! Awesome work Bertjan! We only have 4 weeks left!!! =:D He’s also had to do a bit more cleanup before he could get to this point in his SOC work due to having to fix up category syncing, but I am confident that he’ll pull through and get the Contacts, Calendar, and Todo conduits up and running before the pencils down date. If you care about KPilot and its future, please let Bertjan know you appreciate his hard work!

And after reading a really interesting article about how modern shoes are really not all that good for our feet and legs, I’ve ordered a pair of Vibram Five Fingers KSO shoes, woot! To be honest, I also just really like the way they look, and since a bunch of friends at VMware have them as well as my good Waller friends, and after having tried some on at a nearby shoe store, I’m totally excited about them. Should get them on Tuesday, yay!

5 Replies to “iPhone; KPilot Summer of Code; Five Fingers”

  • Thanks for the link about the shoes. I never considered going barefoot (or wearing these “simulating barefoot” shoes), but after reading that article and doing other research, I may consider going barefoot myself. Sounds like the same basic reasons why I am now typing this comment on a Dvorak keyboard (less stress on the hands, faster, and more natural).

  • Heya jrick! =:) Yeah, definitely along the same lines! I’ve also replaced my desk chair with an exercise ball for the same reason: there are muscles that my body would like to use that I’m keeping it from by forcing it into unnatural positions. I’m pretty sure that I’d be better off and healthier in the long run by allowing my body to use the muscles that it was designed to use naturally. =:) Here’s to better health and muscle use!! =:)

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