Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

Cleaning Up (and Remembering) The Old

I hate leaving things on my mental To-Do list, no matter how trivial or stupid they are. But I’ve had it on my mental to do list for like 4 years now to move all of the images I had in /bimages/ and /images/ on my web server to flickr and update the content in my wordpress database appropriately. So this morning, I took a couple of hours and did just this. Only had like 75 posts to edit, so it wasn’t all that bad. But along the way, it was pretty cool getting to see some of the really old pictures I still had in there and have some nice memories come back, such as:

streetfighter-anniversary Dang I was excited about Street Fighter Anniversary Collection. In fact, it’s the reason I bought our Xbox. Now, I’m even more excited about Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix that I’ve spent the last 2 days playing on our PS3. SO much better!

splinterCell-chaosTheory I LOVE the Splinter Cell series, and this brought back memories of a hilarious e-mail exchange with the Ubisoft tech support… Even if you remove the language, you are still shooting people…

opera-8I actually paid good money for an Opera license!!!

omx-rubberband-manThe Office Max “Rubberband Man” commercials are STILL hilarious!

mike_and_the_cupcakes I still really miss my friends from Harrisburg. =:(


haloI still can’t play Halo or FPS games without getting nauseous and sick, even though I know it’s called something fancy (Ataxia) now. =:/

arcade_stickI’m STILL using my custom street fighter arcade controllers! In fact, I need to make a new one. I want to use all Japanese parts this time (Sanwa, most probably) instead of American (I used all Happ parts in this controller). Also, I need to figure out either where to buy or how to build a better box. The best I’ve EVER seen is Byrdo’s controllers. Dang I wish he was still building them!

ss_20000812_sawfishMy old Sawfish desktop!

ss_20000812_blackboxI STILL love my old Blackbox desktop!! Ooh, look, this is when bbkeys still had a cute little keyhole on-screen presence!

Rembrandt-wmaker-theme-miniGosh, this is ugly, but I was so proud of my WindowMaker theme at the time!

background_menu_plAnother Blackbox desktop of mine, this time showing off the dynamic background-image menu-generating perl script I wrote in action!

Ahh. Anyway, there’s my little trip down memory lane for the week. And now for something completely different….

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