Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Author: Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper

KDE 4.0 Released!

Congratulations, everyone!! Awesome work!! Also, Lubos has done up a really nice write-up on KWin4’s features, setup, technical explanation, why KWin4 didn’t use Compiz, etc., etc. And I totally agree, Lubos, your release notes are far more important than the nifty KWin compositing showcast video! =:)

Home Remedies

There is so much health stuff in the news these days and it is soooo expensive. Try these simple home remedies instead. Avoid cutting yourself slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold while you chop. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat by using the shower. Going in the yard works too. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins Remember to use timer. A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxative. Read more…

Donald in Mathmagic Land, or My New PSP

This evening, some of my geekly gadgets gathered together to greet their grandiose new gregarious guest. <G> =;) I was unable to hold out any longer, apparently. I was able to sell my last-year’s model PSP (the 1000) for $125 on Ye Olde eBay (first time eBayer, woot!), with the intention of buying a new one if I managed to sell the old one for a decent-enough amount. Being that GameStop only gives you $50 for a trade-in, I got $75 more than that with this sale. Which means that the new PSP only really cost me $75. Serious wootage! I’ve read plenty of reviews about the new PSP, saying that it’s not all that much better, not worth the Read more…

Another Lap Around the Sun

Really cute comic (sinfest)! You did it! Another lap around the sun! Good job! *pat* *pat*

Pandora + last.fm + Konqueror == Happy Hacker

Just discovered this really cool site that allows you to scrobble/tag/etc. to your last.fm account while you’re listening to Pandora. SWEET!! The only wrinkle is that it doesn’t seem to work from within Firefox. So just use Konqueror and you’ll be happy, like me. Oh, and I know I’m getting ahead of myself by 1 minute, but Happy New Year!!  =:)

KPilot Fixes and New Years Resolution

Haven’t been very good at all lately on keeping my blog up to date. *sigh* Well, for that matter, I haven’t been very good at all lately on keeping up with much of anything. But I digress… After a friendly post from Pablo Yepes about some address book goofiness, I removed the ugly kludge that had been in KPilot for quite a while now: r754992 | vanrijn | 2007-12-30 21:49:50 -0500 (Sun, 30 Dec 2007) | 10 linesChanged paths: M /branches/KDE/3.5/kdepim/kpilot/ChangeLog M /branches/KDE/3.5/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/abbrowserconduit/abbrowser-conduit.cc M /branches/KDE/3.5/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/abbrowserconduit/kabcRecord.cc M /branches/KDE/3.5/kdepim/kpilot/lib/options.h * Fixing bug reported by Pablo Yepes on kdepim-users mailing list. We did severe goofiness with middle names… The Palm can’t handle them, so we blindly tacked firstname + ” ” + lastname Read more…

Fix for Tab Mix Plus and iFox Theme

Blef! Finally found a fix for the awesome Tab Mix Plus Firefox extension and the iFox (and associated) themes! Sheesh. Can’t believe I tried to ignore that for so long!! Follow these steps to fix the problem: – Open a new tab– Type about:config– Create a boolean (Right click >> New >> Boolean)– Name it: extensions.tabmix.useGreyCloseButton– Set it as false And your problem should be fixed.

Opera is Cool Again; PSP Comparison

Okay, well, I mean, it’s always been cool.  I’ve been using it for a few days instead of Firefox and it’s nice to see some of the new things in the Opera camp since I had last used it.  I like the widgets idea, although I can’t find any widgets that will let me post to my blog.  And I miss the del.icio.us buttons/extension that is available for Firefox.  I definitely like the feel and organization of Opera.  It just feels better and more solid.  Like the theme and appearance management.  Seriously… having to reboot your web browser to just change a theme or add in an extension… seems… really… silly. Then again, Opera seems to have some quirks with Gmail (“#” doesn’t delete always??  keybindings stop working until I click on the page often? textareas don’t linewrap sometimes? in fact, Wordpress’s textarea editor is now not linewrapping, grr…).  *sigh* Anyway, it’s nice to have a little variety every once in a while.  =:) Oh, and I found a nice little technical comparison of the PSP and the new PSP slim at pspzine.  Verdict: seems like there’s no Read more…

KPilot Insomniatic Progress

I have never had insomnia before in my life. Until tonight. I don’t know if it’s the stress of everything that’s going on in our lives right now (um, trying to sell a house in a REALLY bad housing market, trying to figure out how to pack up and move one’s family on a shoestring budget, wanting really badly to do super good on my new job that I absolutely love, etc., etc., etc.). Or it could be that I drank a small amount of coffee today. Whatever the reason, I couldn’t fall asleep from midnight until 1:30 a.m., so I got up and started hacking on KPilot’s USB workaround thing that I broke a year+ ago and subsequently couldn’t Read more…

KPilot Almost Progress

Blef.  So, I finally got a chance, late tonight, to hit the code, so to speak.  After an encouraging couple of e-mails with a KPilot user (hi Ryan!), and my own discouraging lack of time as of late to touch KPilot code, and the fact that I can’t sync with my Treo 700p (grr), I dug in and started looking at the guilty code. It’s my fault, really.  I changed the device communications code in the version of KPilot that got released with KDE 3.5.7.  It was some bandaid fixes that pulled the device communications out of the main GUI thread and put it into a worker thread.  This fixed several bugs that were tied to KPilot breaking horribly for Read more…