Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Author: Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper


This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.

Look ma, I’m infamous!

Yay! Adriaan was nice enough to include me in the KDE people-of-PIM page! A prouder moment I’ve not had all week. =:) In other news…. I saw Episode III, and I must say that my predictions were largely accurate, except that reading the screenplay/book was somehow worse than seeing it all movie-fied. Real Life (TM) is sucking up far too much coding time and as such, I’ve not been able to get a chance to work on getting knotes/kpilot working all beautiful-like. This will require some changes in knotes to deal with categories and another program modifying its ics-file, etc., first before the changes can be made to kpilot, so I think I’ll probably take a look at submitting some Read more…

An example of how to not treat your users

I am always amazed at the rudeness and insensitivity that is shown by certain members of the Open Source community. This behavior is many times in stark contrast with that of others who do an outstanding job of treating others with kindness and consideration. I know it’s not fair to generalize or put people into groups, etc., but having watched and been involved in the mailing lists for the evolution project, and the gnome community in general, there are certain inviduals who continually go out of their way to be rude, irritating, and annoying. Here’s a good example which just landed in my lap today…. The evolution GNOME groupware project had made some very nice UI changes between major version Read more…

Wanted: A WYSIWYG blogging tool for KDE

I would gladly pay for this, I really would. The best tool I have to use currently is BloGTK, and while it’s not bad, it doesn’t do WYSIWYG. The user (that would be me) has to click to insert the appropriate tags, etc., and that gets rather boring after… well, it’s boring. I found PyQLogger and it looks interesting, but as usual, all of the Python-dependencies aren’t to be found for my Fedora Core 3 laptop. Which reminds me, I’m starting to feel the itch to do a clean install on my laptop again, and I’m wondering if Kubuntu is worth trying out. Anyone have experience in the differences between Fedora Core 3 and Kubuntu?

Win4Lin 1.1 Pro

I hate to say this, but I am really disappointed with the Win4Lin Pro product. For those of you who don’t know what this is… it’s software that allows you to run windows programs in Linux. Well, to be fair, it’s more than that. Being that it’s built on top of qemu, it’s actually a full-blown PC emulator which happens to run Windows 2000 and Windows XP, etc. The reasons I’m disappointed with this new product from Win4Lin are as follows: It’s REALLY slow. REEEEEALLY slow. Vmware is about 20 times faster. I have been a Win4Lin customer for years, and their old Win9X emulator was REALLY, REALLY fast. Like, twice as fast as Vmware. I was really expecting to Read more…

The best laid plans are in my other pants

I just discovered the Newsboys’ Thrive CD, and I am really loving it. “Live in Stereo”, “Million Pieces (Kissin’ Your Cares Goodbye)”, “Rescue”, and “Cornelius” are absolutely brilliant, and have kept me rocking, smiling, and singing along on my drive to/from work for the last couple of days. I heartily recommend this CD to everyone, and will have to look into buying some more Newsboys CD’s now. I think my favorite song lyrically is “Live in Stereo”…. This field guide’s Got no soul Digging for the sacred In a man-made hole The soil gets harder The shovel won’t behave I just dug myself Into a six foot grave I need a new dimension Got to Supersize A Jacobean ladder To Read more…

Feelin’ Blarghy

I am. I feel like I’m standing still when I should be running. I feel exhausted. I have little time and too much to do in it. Blargh. That’s about all I have to say about that.

If everyone else is doing it…

Your Linguistic Profile: 60% General American English 25% Yankee 10% Dixie 5% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

“Frothing Crowd of Lunacy” … or “Why I spent $39 on Opera after 4 years of having used it for free”

In case you’ve been living under a rock, or working at some large, silly corporation that develops only for Internet Explorer, Opera has just released version 8 of their excellent web browser. You can check out what has changed yourself–I won’t bore you with the list. Again, in case you’ve been living under a rock, or working at… somewhere less than clueful… Opera is a standards-compliant browser, is feature-rich, fully skinnable, has an excellent e-mail program, does lots of Really Cool Stuff (TM), and in general, is the browser that I normally try to make Firefox mimic when I occasionally switch back and forth between it and Opera. The things that Firefox does well are largely things that Opera has Read more…

Some predictions for you about Episode III, and why I will hate it

I just got finished reading through the eReader version of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, The Illustrated Screenplay on my Clie. I shall now make some observations and predictions about this movie and the future events in my life surrounding it. So… stand back. I am going to hate this movie. I am going to watch it anyway, for several simple reasons, including: It will be the hottest thing in the way of movies this year. George Lucas had me at Episode IV back when I was knee-high to an R2, trying to tune in the unpaid channels on my parents TV with dials, leaving me with the dis-satisfying experience of watching C3-PO and R2-D2 walking the Read more…