Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Author: Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-05

Ugh. Dealing with college tuition and bills is almost as fun as dealing with lawyers, hospitals, and insurance. =:( # I cannot brain today. Also, my neck hurts and I have a headache. Blef. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

KDE 4.2 and KPilot Status

Bertjan has already done a very nice job of giving an overview of where we are with this year’s GSOC project and where KPilot is in general. I wanted to add a couple of things to this train of thought too… First off, this is the second year that I’ve worked with Bertjan on a Google Summer of Code project and I have thoroughly enjoyed both years. Last year, our goal was to create a base conduit framework that could be used to unify KPilot’s conduit code and push down into it all of the synchronization logic that was previously spread across all of the individual conduits. This was a success, and Bertjan also wrote a new Keyring conduit that Read more…

Free Enterprise-Class Virtualization

I don’t know how many people are aware of this bold move VMware made recently, but I think it’s pretty amazing. Just last week, VMware made its hypervisor free!! VMware ESXi Hypervisor Now Free With Customers Deriving Value from More Than 20 Products in the VMware Portfolio, Company Makes #1 Hypervisor Free PALO ALTO, Calif., July 28, 2008 – VMware, Inc., (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in virtualization solutions from the desktop to the datacenter, today announced its stand-alone ESXi hypervisor will be available at no cost to help companies of all sizes experience the benefits of virtualization. Since 2001, VMware has provided the industry’s most popular and reliable hypervisor, which is now used by more than 120,000 customers. In Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-04

Meh. If I were king, I’d require Mondays to be a non-work buffer zone between a too-short weekend and a too-abrupt coming back to work. # Homemade iced decaf white chocolate mocha latte, ala Starbucks (with the Fontana/Starbucks white chocolate mocha sauce) FTW!!! # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Cost Analysis of an Electrical Storm

We had a nasty little electrical storm in our neck of the woods (literally) a couple of nights ago. Power went off for a few hours and all that normal-type nuisance stuff. However, what I did not expect was the damage that happened as a result of a monstrous power surge that ripped through our home. I’m still shelling out $MONEY to try to get back to normal. I believe what happened was that a surge came through either our phone line or our cable line. And no, I didn’t have any kind of surge protection on the phone or cable lines. Never thought you’d need it, honestly. I do have these lines protected now, though, which is small comfort Read more…

iPhone; KPilot Summer of Code; Five Fingers

Warning. Random brain dump coming… Food for thought that I spotted on my lifehacker feed today… Why You’re Better Off Avoiding the iPhone … this is a hypocrite’s confession. I purchased and use an iPhone, but I hate being locked into Apple’s proprietary system. Original impetus was 5 reasons to avoid iPhone 3G [Free Software Foundation]. Hm. I’m still locked into my Sprint account until October, so I’m on a forced wait regardless of whether I wanted to run out and buy one right now anyway. In other news, my awesome Summer of Code student, Bertjan, is making great strides in our unstable version of KPilot (trunk, which will be in KDE 4.2). He’s well into the middle of writing Read more…

I wish I was going to Akademy!!!

Meaning no disrespect to whomever graphicked the original awesome logo, but I am totally jealous of all who can fly the original banner. Maybe next year? I needs to gets me a Visa or something first, tho. Durnit. Have fun guys!!

Proprietary Ignorance and Arrogance

Stupid Apple people. “iPhone 3G is coming July 11. Watch the guided tour.” Yay! *click* *click* “Get the Latest QuickTime.” Um. WTF? Do you make that for Linux now?? FAIL!! Is this ignorance, intentional, or just plain, stupid, stinking downright arrogance on Apple’s part? Hm. How about all 3? It’s darned insulting. The worst of it is that it apparently is working. Don’t give a crap about open standards, cross-platform, reaching the widest audience possible, or anything else. Just worry about yourself and Windows–and Windows only because you have to if you want to keep making money. Ignore Linux users. Who the hell are they anyway? Maybe 3% of the market share? Pfft. Screw ’em. Be intentional about not allowing Read more…

From Point A to Point B?

I got asked, via e-mail, today how I went from a retail pharmacy store manager to systems architect and it was such a good brain dumping that I figured I’d blog it too. =:) Here, then, is a brief overview of how I got from .A->.B. met the woman I knew I wanted to marry at Taco Bell. realized I couldn’t support a family on Taco Bell wages, so started looking for work elsewhere as I was still trying to finish college. started working at a tiny little Thrifty Jr. in Rancho Bernardo, California with my amazing friend Brad Prosek, stocking shelves and scooping ice cream. went into shift manager training for Thrifty in Ocean Beach, CA. got promoted to Read more…

Opera 9.5 Thoughts

I know it’s stealing Firefox3’s thunder, but Opera 9.5 was just released and it is REALLY well done. I have always been amazed at how blazing fast it is and this release continues in that vein. However… Is it just me or does the Gmail “move to trash” / “delete” shortcut (shift+3 or “#”) TOTALLY not stinking work in Opera???? I am just blown away by this. I am trying to not let it irritate me to the point of switching back to Firefox (I mean, there are other things that will probably do it (see below)), but it is increasingly frustrating. When editing a wordpress post, if you hit “Enter” in the Visual editor, it pre-pends a newline?? Um, Read more…