Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: KPilot

KPilot, She Progresses

Woohoo! I ate far too much cheesecake, far too late in the evening tonight, and therefore am still up at 2:30 a.m., hacking on KPilot. And oi(!) does it feel good. =:) We now have a working daemon, a working configuration window, a working kpilot main window, logging happening correctly over the DBus, and with the code that I’m about to commit to trunk, we now are able to get through a hotSync without crashing! W[][]t! Next on my agenda, if Adriaan doesn’t beat me to it, is to rip every hint out of KPilot’s built-in database viewers that makes it look like it could/should/might be able to perform CUD (Creates/Updates/Deletes) actions. Die, devil-bird, die!! Oh, also, all of the Read more…

Good Morning, Vietnam^WPlanetKDE!

Greetings and salutations. And thanks to Chris for adding me to the planet. =:) As an aside, there must be a cooler way of introducing oneself to an aggregator, but having wasted 10 minutes of my life trying to think of one (and not having actually come up with anything clevererer), I’ll relegate myself to looking like a doofus and stick a big “Hi, my name is” adhesive tag on my forehead…. Hi. My name is Jason ‘vanRijn’ Kasper. The Kasper part comes from a rich Austrian heritage that I have documented somewhere in a closet. The Jason part my parents decided to slap on me for no good reason, other than that they must have foreseen the Friday the Read more…

Visor Syncing Problems – A Solution

I’ve been trying to help a KPilot user (Hi Ronny!!) track down a really annoying and fatal bug for more than a year now.  The bug is triggered by trying to sync a Visor handheld with KPilot, and what happens is that KPilot begins to connect to the Visor during a HotSync, but then it fails when trying to read the user information from the Visor; and then the Visor disconnects, but KPilot doesn’t know it and KPilot then goes into a tight, CPU-consuming loop somewhere deep in the bowels of libpisock.  Ronny graciously funded me with a Visor via eBay since I am unable to reproduce this condition with my Treo 650.  Long story short, now that I have Read more…

KPilot KDE3, meet KPilot KDE4

KPilot KDE3, meet KPilot KDE4 Originally uploaded by vanRijn Finally got some time to work on KPilot in trunk late last night. I guess the key thing is… when not sure what to do, just do something. I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed as of late with all that is broken and not working and different and changed, etc., with KPilot in trunk, and have been a bit paralyzed by it all. Of course, having to wait a full 8-hours (I kid you not) for qt-copy, kdesupport, kdelibs, kdepimlibs, kdebase, and then kdepim to compile and install on my blazing-fast T42 Thinkpad is beyond frustrating too. But anyway, I have started looking at the UI for the time being. I’ll work Read more…

KPilot SOC Progress, OpenSync, and Espresso

Our little KPilot Summer of Code project that Bertjan and I are co-laboring on is going fairly well. We’re working through finalizing the Use Case, with me helping out with some word-smithing and architectural review (http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/base/design/ ). Bertjan has started doing Class and Sequence diagrams for the main and alternate flows (http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/base/design/bouml-design/ ). We’re pretty much on-track according to our schedule (http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/base/design/SOC2007-schedule.ods?view=log ) And Bertjan has set up some info on his blog (http://bertjan.broeksemaatjes.nl/), and has done some level of progress-updates as well ( http://bertjan.broeksemaatjes.nl/node/4). Also, I had a very interesting conversation with the inimitable JPR on Friday about a little bit of this and a little bit of that… and we chatted a bit about KPilot and OpenSync and Read more…

Google Summer of Code and KPilot

Coming to a town near you!!! Well, okay, not quite, but we’re making progress. Here’s a tentative schedule: SOC Schedule for Bertjan, Kpilot, 2007           From To Focus   May 28: Students begin coding for their GSoC projects; Google begins issuing initial student payments Week 01 May 28, 2007 Jun 2, 2007 Write Use Case documentation of all conduit flows Week 02 Jun 4, 2007 Jun 9, 2007 Review and revise Use Case documentation with mentor Week 03 Jun 11, 2007 Jun 16, 2007 Create Sequence and Class Diagrams from Use Case documentation for all conduit flows. Week 04 Jun 18, 2007 Jun 23, 2007 Review and revise Sequence and Class Diagrams with mentor. All flows Read more…

Syncing Exchange Calendar 1-way Into Korganizer/Kontact

I’ve alluded to this before, but never really posted properly about it. Warning: this is very geeky… My current employer uses Exchange as its mail/contact/calendaring solution. I have no say in the matter, so hush. =;) But this poses some challenges to those of us insisting on using Free Software at work (like me). Evolution has a connector for this, but I much-prefer KDE solutions, so I stick with Kontact and Korganizer, and of course KPilot to sync my calendars with my palm. To further complicate things, nobody in KDE PIM has the time/resources to make Kontact play nicely with Exchange as a calendar back end. So, what I must have is the ability to keep my private and work Read more…

Google SOC, KDE, KPilot, and Me

Woohoo!! It’s official!! This year, KDE is once again participating in Google’s Summer Of Code (SOC), and we have 40 projects that have been approved by Google! Thankfully, KDE PIM has more than a couple of approved projects (which is really good news!!). Also, I will be a mentor this year (first time, yay!) for a much-needed KPilot SOC project which will go a long way towards making KPilot maintainable, stable, and more consistent (read: better, faster, easier to follow, and less bugs)! I will be working with Bertjan on the project and am looking forward to getting some more momentum behind KPilot (only the best Palm-synching solution in existence today….).