Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: Life in General

This just in: Visual Studio rots your mind!

Well, maybe not. But this article by Charles Petzold is a clearly-articulated discussion of some of the dangerous trends that most programmers aren’t even cognizant of. His discussion is centered around Microsoft, Visual Studio, and dotNET, being that that is his area of expertise. And while there are certain similar problems that also affect other environments, I think that because of Microsoft’s goals and the goals of their tools, I think that much of this discussion is truly mostly-relevant to those deeply entrenched in Microsoft’s OS and tool stack. So I don’t think IntelliSense is helping us become better programmers. The real objective is for us to become faster programmers, which also means that it’s cheapening our labor. I agree. Read more…

1996, San Diego Zoo

As I was going through the junk around our home, getting ready for the big move, I found some REALLY old 3.5″ floppy disks from 1996 and 1997. See, kids, back in the not-so-good old days, we elderly people used to take “pictures” with 35-millimeter cameras which had “film” in them. Then, we’d take that “film” out very carefully and take it to get “developed.” Optionally, in the year 1996, we used to be able to pay some extra amount of money and have a “floppy disk” returned with the “developed” pictures with a slide-show of these pictures. I should have taken a picture of the disk itself. It was made to run in Windows 3.1, and was done by Read more…

Elektra shops at Rite Aid. Shouldn’t you?

It’s funny, but I completely missed this when watching the movie, Elektra before. My good friend Mike pointed it out to me and I had to comment on it. Apparently, Rite Aid managed to get some subliminal advertising into the Elektra movie! Hey, cool!! =:) (psst! elektra-riteaid-1 was uploadd by: vanRijn).

OpenSuSE 10.0-final released, and I’m #12

Now downloading the newly-released OpenSuSE 10.0 GoldMaster discs. Gonna do a clean install and see if I still have any problems. *fingers crossed* Tomorrow, I have a most-of-the-day Bible Quiz event with the whole family (my two daughters will be quizzing and my wife and son will be helping officiate and I’ll be coaching my eldest). If I have time tomorrow eve, I need to clean up the crappy cinderblock mess in my basement, hang new drywall over it, put the corner piece up, mud over that, wet-sand, mud, etc. And then there’s the whole #12 thing. Hopefully going to finish that up on Monday, though it’s definitely not something that anyone should think about rushing through. Right, and once Read more…

How flourescent zip-ties once again save the world

Who needs to spend $20 to replace one’s messed-up cd/mp3-player -> tape adapter! Why, for just $3.99, you can get a new jack end in either solderless or solder varieties. Simple math tells you $3.99 is better than $20, now, doesn’t it? BUT, what they don’t tell you is that you will spend 2 hours every other month, at least, re-soldering the wee beastie whenever your children decide that you don’t have enough to do in your life and manage to make it unfunctional. But this time, I’ve outsmarted them!! Muahahahah. Oh yes, I have. This time, I’ve taken the wee beastie apart, re-soldered it (again), and now I’ve used some of my flourescent zip-ties to reinforce the cord to Read more…

Massachusetts, Open Standards, and Twinkies

I know, it’s old news, but this eWeek article was a refreshing read that I ran across today. And let say it one more time: OpenDocument is an “open” format. Anyone, including Microsoft, can write to it. Of course, Microsoft doesn’t want to. The Redmond, Wash., giant makes its billions from locking users into its way of doing things. OpenDocument frees users. If everyone started using OpenOffice for their office documents they could decide, for instance, that StarOffice 8 for, say, $50 is a better deal than Microsoft Office at $500. I know, I know–it all sounds heretical and conspiracy-theory-ist to suggest that Microsoft might not be the best thing in the world, but come on and smell the 21st Read more…

Things That Really Piss Me Off, or CNN

Please explain to me why, in… what year is this again… 2005… people… nay, COMPANIES… insist on using stupid, dumb, ridiculous, unnecessary, proprietary, exclusionary, browser-sniffing, One-Platform-ONLY “solutions”???? CNN, please explain to me how you can legitimately not care whatsoever about the growing population of Internet users who might like to use your site who CANNOT or CHOSE NOT TO run Internet Explorer, Windows, or Windows Media Player??? Just because I choose not to (or maybe can’t afford to??) use Windows, you think I’m unworthy of seeing the videos that make up the user experience on your site??? How about doing something sensible like providing a link to the media file regardless of what OS your visitor might be using, and Read more…

Brother, can you spare me an iBook

I’ve been drooling over the thought of getting either an iBook or a Powerbook for a good couple of years now. I’ve just found reason #39921 to drool over them more. Apparently, it’s entirely possible to run KDE applications inside OS X. Fantastic!! Now all I need is… money. =:/

How to be a better sheep

I just ran across this page today and it’s very, very apropos for where I am in my life right now and with all that I’m going through…. Some of it below… Psalm 23 says the Lord is your shepherd. What does that mean? He’s not your chauffeur, taking you wherever you tell Him you want to go. He’s not your butler, making sure you’re comfortable every moment. He’s not your tour guide, telling you in advance where you’ll be going and what you’ll be doing. He’s your shepherd, leading you where you need to go to be fed and protected. He knows what’s best for you. Sheep don’t have a very high anxiety level. They’re content to let the Read more…

Fix this door, step 2

Lots of work to do still, but the hardest part should be behind me now. The new door jam is up, the hinges are in, the wood has been chiseled, the cons have been tapped (Tapcons are amazing!), and the door closes even better than it did before this whole operation! (psst! Fix this door, step 2 was uploadd by: vanRijn).