Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: Life in General

Day two of OpenSuSE, still kickin’ and happy

Just a quick word from the street that after a couple of days with OpenSuSE, I am still REALLY loving it. Some things that I didn’t expect: OpenSuSE comes with gcc-4, the latest version of the compiler. This caused the afore-mentioned compilation difficulties with VMWare’s kernel modules which I found a fix for yesterday. This also caused a bug in KDE’s libkcal, which caused some pretty annoying side-effects with floating calender events. However, the amazing Reinhold was extraordinarily helpful and fixed the bug immediately. A quick svn update later, I was back in business, with the bug having been fixed. Oh–also, along the way, I learned about valgrind, and was able to use it (at Reinhold’s direction) to find the Read more…

An impromptu OpenSuse install

I am not, by nature, someone who enjoys doing the same thing over and over and over again. Variety is most certainly the spice of life. This holds true in every aspect of my life. The Linux distributions that I use are no different. For the longest time, I used nothing but Debian unstable (like we’re talking 4+ years here…). Then at some point I switched and started using Fedora Core, and pretty much enjoyed it except for the annoyances regarding mp3 playback and other minor nits. In fact, I have 2 computers at home running Fedora Core 3 still. Then, predictably, I got bored with it and wanted to see what the other Linux distributions had been up to, Read more…

Really Wrinkly, Old Guys

The last iTunes e-mail brought this recent photo of Mick and the boys in front of my eyes. *blink* *blink* Now, you can certainly give Apple kudos for having the unique ability to make anything in the world look good. I mean, honestly, Apple could make a dirty diaper look appealing. However, these guys look so bad (read: really wrinkly, squinty, disheveled, badly dressed, gaunt, and… is that a 50’s wig???), the only thing that could make them look appealing (imho, anyway) is to have the picture not include them in it. I suppose I’ll offend people by saying such things (and the people I will offend are the type of die-hard fans I most probably don’t want to meet, Read more…

Danger Mouse!!!

You cannot deny the importance of Danger Mouse–neither in my growing up years, nor to the sanity and balance of the world. I can’t wait until these DVD’s show up from Blockbuster online! Cor, Chief!! (originally posted as Danger Mouse!!! and uploaded by vanRijn).

Yes, Marge, it is possible to watch those movies with your kids

So, my beautiful bride and I had an opportunity the other night to spend the evening without two of our children, which left just the two of us and our beautiful daughter (we’ll call her Kiwi here). We enjoyed a few serene and peaceful hours at the local Borders, looking through whatever books we found to tickle our fancy. And then we came home, thinking that we could watch some movies with Kiwi, being that she’s getting older now and stuff. And what movies we have to choose from, just let me tell you! Movies I love to watch with Lynn, like O Brother, Where Art Thou, The Transporter, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Mission Impossible, Undercover Blues, and many, many Read more…

Mere Christianity, Sunday BBQ

After talking with John from KKSM, I ordered and received Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I read the preface thus far and underlined about half of it. It is SOOOOO good!! I absolutely love C.S. Lewis’s writing style. He is both precisely clear and creative at the same time. One example: “It so happens that the impulse which makes men gamble has been left out of my make-up; and, no doubt, I pay for this by lacking some good impulse of which it is the excess or perversion.” — C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, Preface page XII Love it! And the section following that, where he talks about the meaning of the very word “Christian”… amazing!!! Ahh, and thank goodness for Read more…

London, under attack

This turns my stomach.

The Da Vinci Code

So, my sister Jenny was reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown when she came out for her vacation and since she bought the bigger version (with pictures), she gave me her old one. And thus I got hooked. She had me read a couple of pages in the middle of the book, and my first reaction was a strong distaste. I mean, this is Jesus the story is meddling with. Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, my Lord and Savior–you’ve heard of Him, surely. I started reading, though, and was immediately caught into the story, and as is usual with good stories, I couldn’t put it down until Read more…

Wisdom from Ben Stein

I just had a good friend point this article from Ben Stein out to me. Wow. It is extremely well-done. I’ll paste a few excerpts from it… Beyond that, a bigger change has happened. I no longer think Hollywood stars are terribly important. They are uniformly pleasant, friendly people, and they treat me better than I deserve to be treated. But a man or woman who makes a huge wage for memorizing lines and reciting them in front of a camera is no longer my idea of a shining star we should all look up to. … A real star is the soldier of the 4th Infantry Division who poked his head into a hole on a farm near Tikrit, Read more…

More muscle than you kin handle

Just finally got a chance to sit down at the laptop for half an hour and uploaded 50 pictures or so from the great time I had over the last couple of weeks. My sister (Hi Jenny!!) and her 2 youngins (Hi Nate and Elijah!) were out for 2 weeks. We had a blast, visiting Hershey, indoor swimming and diving, Lake Tobias, and other cool stuffies too. My brother Josh Kasper got to come out to spend some time with us too! He was at a King of Kings Skateboard Ministry shindig in Syracuse, New York, and was hanging out with Team 2 until Creation, East. So we invited him and his team to stay with us for a few Read more…