Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: Music

In The Last 48 Hours

I have had the pleasure(?) of living through the following: Getting two problems (ABS light and Airbag light were both stuck on) with our new-to-us 2005 Town & Country fixed only to find another problem (2 radiator fans refused to turn off when car was turned off). Had to disconnect battery overnight to turn off fans and prevent battery drainage. Took said vehicle back into the dealer who promptly and courteously fixed it. Again. Finding out that the family dog (who just yesterday started limping–refusing to set any weight on her left, front paw) has Lyme disease. $200+ later and doggie is now feeling much better, apparently. Beating head repeatedly against same problem at work for a week now is Read more…

Gorillaz – Dare Video

WOW!! This has to be the coolest video I’ve seen in years!! The art and animation is absolutely gorgeous! And to mix it in with the intentionally out of place live singing head… BRILLIANT, I tell you! Genius, I say! =;) The song itself is awesome. Catchy beat, great execution, love the strings, love the vocals, dig the synth, love the deep grinding base lines!! Fantastic! But the video…. WOW. So incredibly cool. I’ve had the song on my laptop and Clie for 2 days now and it’s just about all I’ve been listening to, interspersed with Pink Floyd here and there. =:) Did I mention how cool the video was??? Seriously, the video makes the song so much cooler. Read more…

Ecto, Amarok and Pink Floyd

I’ve long-been wanting a nice WYSIWYG editor for my WordPress blog. And, let me just say… there’s not one that I could find for Linux, which both sucks and is honestly quite a surprise. And yeah, I know there’s a partial resource in kdepim 3.5, and I had it on my TODO list to look at helping to finish it/get it working, but that’s obviously not happened yet. Oooh! Maybe that can be the itch that I need to scratch! But anyway, I’m sure I missed this killer app in my searches and there is, in fact, one out there, but I sure as heck couldn’t find it. So, it occurred to me that I now have one of those… Read more…

New New Order, Still Excellent

I was listening to Dish Network’s “EuroStyle” channel the other day as I was working from my living room and I heard a new song by New Order, called Krafty. I was a bit surprised, as it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a new New Order release. So I had to investigate. Investigate I did, and what I’ve found from their new Waiting for the Sirens’ Call CD is really, really good stuff. I’ve always loved New Order, and as they’ve been around for the entirety of my music-listening life, I’ve liked them for a good long while. But the last album of theirs that I bought was Republic, which, as I see now, was 12 years ago. Read more…

OpenSuSE 10.0-final released, and I’m #12

Now downloading the newly-released OpenSuSE 10.0 GoldMaster discs. Gonna do a clean install and see if I still have any problems. *fingers crossed* Tomorrow, I have a most-of-the-day Bible Quiz event with the whole family (my two daughters will be quizzing and my wife and son will be helping officiate and I’ll be coaching my eldest). If I have time tomorrow eve, I need to clean up the crappy cinderblock mess in my basement, hang new drywall over it, put the corner piece up, mud over that, wet-sand, mud, etc. And then there’s the whole #12 thing. Hopefully going to finish that up on Monday, though it’s definitely not something that anyone should think about rushing through. Right, and once Read more…

Beyond the Sea, beyond my expectations

I had this one sitting on my desk for 2 weeks at least from Blockbuster online rental. I had read somewhere that it was good, and I have always absolutely loved Bobby Darin’s voice and style. But I was not prepared for this amazing movie. Beyond the Sea really affected me in a deep and profound way. I find that most intelligent movies do this to me, and I’m not really sure why, but my whole being is touched by movies that have powerful themes like Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, Vanilla Sky, Signs, Road to Perdition, and many others. My mood, thinking, and perspective on my life is challenged when I watch movies like this, and Beyond the Sea is Read more…

Online music, breaking the mold

I must admit that I am very impressed with a some of the songs that were sent to me in the latest MP3Tunes e-mail sampler. Dragonfly by Universal Hall Pass, for one, is suprisingly enjoyable! To quote their Mercury album page… An album aptly named for it’s ever-morphing musical backdrops with extremely adventurous songwriting, a unique voice, and lyrical content covering truth, coyness, charm, and mythos. The lead singer’s voice is REALLY interesting. It reminds me a bit of Nelly Furtado, Superchic(k), and Portishead, all at once. Combined with some fairly complex and eclectic arrangements, the songs combine a diverse set of influences and the outcome is a unique, pleasant diversion. The second tune that I absolutely had to buy Read more…

So, you can have your iTunes and Linux it too!

This is absolutely the coolest Open Source thing, by far, this month. In fact, it might be the coolest thing I’ve seen in a couple of months. Jon Lech Johansen (you might remember him as the guy who largely made it possible to watch those pesky little DVDs that you paid good money for on the Operating System you choose) has done it again. Apparently, my head has been in the sand for the last several months, since SharpMusique is a (very nicely done!) C# port of the python-based PyMusique application. What is PyMusique (and subsequently SharpMusique), you ask? Why, nothing more than a free working Open Source interface to Apple’s iTunes store!!! Does it work? Absolutely!! And well!! And Read more…

The best laid plans are in my other pants

I just discovered the Newsboys’ Thrive CD, and I am really loving it. “Live in Stereo”, “Million Pieces (Kissin’ Your Cares Goodbye)”, “Rescue”, and “Cornelius” are absolutely brilliant, and have kept me rocking, smiling, and singing along on my drive to/from work for the last couple of days. I heartily recommend this CD to everyone, and will have to look into buying some more Newsboys CD’s now. I think my favorite song lyrically is “Live in Stereo”…. This field guide’s Got no soul Digging for the sacred In a man-made hole The soil gets harder The shovel won’t behave I just dug myself Into a six foot grave I need a new dimension Got to Supersize A Jacobean ladder To Read more…

Ocean’s Twelve

So, I just spent a good couple of hours with my lovely wifey watching Ocean’s Twelve, and I can recommend it for your viewing pleasure, and thanks for asking. I will say, however, that the first twelve minutes of the movie (pun intended) had me cringing. It sure seemed to me that the movie starts off trying to use as many cliches as possible, and doing so many of the things (The Whole Ten Yards, anyone?) that are done in sequels, which totally and completely ruin the movie, for me at least. One of the most offensive of these aforementioned “things” is the frequent use of the title of the first movie interspersed in the characters’ dialogs. *twitch* But I Read more…