Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

Google Summer of Code and KPilot

Coming to a town near you!!! Well, okay, not quite, but we’re making progress. Here’s a tentative schedule: SOC Schedule for Bertjan, Kpilot, 2007           From To Focus   May 28: Students begin coding for their GSoC projects; Google begins issuing initial student payments Week 01 May 28, 2007 Jun 2, 2007 Write Use Case documentation of all conduit flows Week 02 Jun 4, 2007 Jun 9, 2007 Review and revise Use Case documentation with mentor Week 03 Jun 11, 2007 Jun 16, 2007 Create Sequence and Class Diagrams from Use Case documentation for all conduit flows. Week 04 Jun 18, 2007 Jun 23, 2007 Review and revise Sequence and Class Diagrams with mentor. All flows Read more…

How To Transfer Hi-8 Camcorder Videos To DVD

I have spent the better part of the last 4 days trying to figure this out, so this will serve both as a reminder to self of how to do this, as well, hopefully, as some form of help to those who come after and, like me, cannot find a stinking tutorial about how to do it for the life of them… We have about 10 Hi-8 (8mm) camcorder tapes from days of yore. However, the camcorder that we used to record said taped memories has long-since died and stopped working. So the time has come to figure out how to get these tapes converted to DVD. But how… Well, thanks to some positive reviews, the fact that Linux (and Read more…

KPilot Porting to KDE4

… she continues. Although, I can unreservedly say that if, by some miracle, we manage to squeeze kpilot back into kdepim before the deadline which is 5 days from now, it is ONLY because of the totally generous and utterly amazing help from Montel Laurent. Once again, THANK YOU Montel!!!!

The Porting of KPilot to KDE4

It has begun…  Any and all help would be Greatly Appreciated.

Syncing Exchange Calendar 1-way Into Korganizer/Kontact

I’ve alluded to this before, but never really posted properly about it. Warning: this is very geeky… My current employer uses Exchange as its mail/contact/calendaring solution. I have no say in the matter, so hush. =;) But this poses some challenges to those of us insisting on using Free Software at work (like me). Evolution has a connector for this, but I much-prefer KDE solutions, so I stick with Kontact and Korganizer, and of course KPilot to sync my calendars with my palm. To further complicate things, nobody in KDE PIM has the time/resources to make Kontact play nicely with Exchange as a calendar back end. So, what I must have is the ability to keep my private and work Read more…

Google SOC, KDE, KPilot, and Me

Woohoo!! It’s official!! This year, KDE is once again participating in Google’s Summer Of Code (SOC), and we have 40 projects that have been approved by Google! Thankfully, KDE PIM has more than a couple of approved projects (which is really good news!!). Also, I will be a mentor this year (first time, yay!) for a much-needed KPilot SOC project which will go a long way towards making KPilot maintainable, stable, and more consistent (read: better, faster, easier to follow, and less bugs)! I will be working with Bertjan on the project and am looking forward to getting some more momentum behind KPilot (only the best Palm-synching solution in existence today….).

OS X + NFS+ OpenOffice = SUCK

Repeat after me: I will never, ever, ever, ever, never, ever, never, never, ever, ever, ever, never, ever, never buy a proprietary (read: non Open Source) computer ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever again, no matter how attractive the packaging is. I don’t know what from the bowels of hell itself possessed me to buy a Powerbook, but it was quite possibly one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done.  It has been nothing but trouble from the day I got it (though it was a nice little mental exercise and challenge for a while in getting Linux to run on it). I have given up on it for my own personal use. I’m back to using my work laptop Read more…

The Ubiquitous Quiz About Me

Take My Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com Can you Ace my quiz? Yes! No Let’s Find Out! Meh.  Okay, I know, it’s cheesy…  Blame it on my kids for starting it…

Pirates of the Caribbean 3

I SO want to see this movie!

Stranger Than Fiction

I just got done watching this movie with my family and I can honestly say that this is one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen. The cast is perfect. Will Ferrell is absolutely incredible. Dustin Hoffman is excellent. Maggie Gyllenhaal is superb! The style of the film is just impeccable. I don’t think I’ve seen a movie so artfully directed, shot, and editted in a very long time. Amazingly good use of technology, overlays, and good old-fashioned camera work. Wonderful!! And the bitter-sweet emotional roller coaster was almost too much to bear.  I loved every minute of it! I realize that I’m coming across as more of a gushing, emotional school girl than a cool, sophisticated movie Read more…