Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

This Just In: Linux Is Better Than OS X

Well, at least it is for me. And it’s taken me $1500 to figure it out the hard way. How much is it to ask for to be able to {alt,command}-tab through ALL bloody open windows in OS X? You know… ALL of them. Like, ALL of them–including the X11 windows that all get bunched up underneath one stinking X icon. Or the 2 Firefox windows. Not just one of them. ALL of them. And yes, I do know about Witch. And no, it doesn’t work with X11 windows. And why would I want to use X11 to begin with? Because sometimes Free applications are much, much better than the ones you have to pay for. For example, kontact is Read more…

Converting a CVS Repository to Subversion

I had thought that this would be a straight-forward mission, but it was not. While the front-end tools look and feel very much the same between CVS and Subversion, the back ends are VERY different. Honestly, I much-prefer the CVS approach (all flat-files, predictably placed in $CVSROOT), but since that’s probably part of the problem of CVS’s lack of flexibility with file/directory moves, etc., it’s understandable that Subversion does it differently. Anyway, in using cvs2svn to convert my existing CVS repositories, I faced a problem that was covered in cvs2svn’s FAQ:

After All That, Back to OS X

So I’m a little disgruntled right now.  I’ve rebooted back into OS X and I’ll likely stay here for a while.  As it turns out, the show-stopper for me to be able to run Linux (which I’d much prefer) on this powerbook is not anything to do with Linux itself, but rather with the commercial/proprietary software that I find myself needing to run.  I need to be able to use Moneydance to do my family’s financial account management and bill paying.  Moneydance runs on Java.  Apparently, the only full version of Java for Linux PPC is IBM’s JRE.  That’s right, Sun doesn’t provide Linux-PPC users a JRE, how nice of them.  And yes, I did spend a couple of hours Read more…

Ubuntu Linux, External Speakers, Your Powerbook, and You

Yet another small blip from the life and times of a powerbook owner and Linux glutton-for-pain… I think this issue has been fixed in the Alsa 1.0.11-rc4 snd-powermac modules, but since I haven’t taken the time to recompile the kernel yet and since Ubuntu Dapper Drake still only comes with 1.0.10, I’m stuck with a workaround for a time being. So, I have a 15″ 1.5G powerbook, and I just bought some really nice Altec Lansing speakers from the local Target and would like to use them with my powerbook in Linux. Sounds simple enough of a request, no? Well, believe it or not, it doesn’t work out of the box. I plug my headphones/external speakers in and sound still Read more…

Trouble in the land of Linux-on-powerbook

Stink. I am starting to question my sanity in buying a powerbook. There’s just some things that aren’t working and most probably are not ever going to work: Java. Duh. It’s the thing that your mom (and RMS) have been warning you about for the last 10 years. Non-free (open source) software is a problem. Why? Because if you want to run it on something that isn’t supported by the owner of said proprietary software, you CANNOT. Case in point…. I need to be able to run my financial software (Moneydance). I use Linux on a Powerbook (PPC) machine. I can’t download the Java JRE from Sun, since they only provide Java for x86 and ia64 platforms. I could use Read more…

Kubuntu On A Powerbook

So, in an attempt to get back to hacking/programming again (since I’m definitely not getting it at work), I’ve installed Linux on my Powerbook. Actually, I’d installed SuSE 10 on it the day after I bought the powerbook 5+ months ago, but I’d never really done anything with it–partly because I really wanted to see what OS X was really like (it is REALLY, REALLY cool, but not conducive to feeling like I can start improving things/hacking/programming) and partly because neither the trackpad nor the wireless ethernet worked. But recently, the folks at the Broadcom 43xx Linux Driver project have made GREAT strides in getting the proprietary Broadcom wireless network card working in Linux. And, the kind folks with the Read more…

Linuxworld, Boston, 2006, Here I Come!

Oh man, this is going to rock.  I’ve wanted to go to LinuxWorld for a LOOOONG time.  Now, finally, thanks to my new employer, I’ll be there.  I am hoping to be able to come home with the nice and nifty leather jacket they’re giving away for early registrants. Any KDE folk going to be there?  Anyone that I know going to be there?  =:)

Delete the Internet

Darnit, I hate it when I accidentally delete the Intenet!! =;)

Treo 650, VMWare, HotSync Woes

So, after several weeks of beating my head against the wall, I’ve found this simple fix for syncing my WinXP guest VMWare virtual machine inside my SuSE Linux host.  Basically, it looks like because usbfs wasn’t being mounted at boot time, VMWare wasn’t getting notified of my Treo 650 as it was trying to HotSync.  Make this change in /etc/fstab: #usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs noauto 0 0 usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0 and/or run this manually if you have to: sudo mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb Thanks VERY much to andyb for this little tidbit!!! Oh, and in case you’re asking, no, I can’t seem to sync evolution/gnome-pilot successfully/consistently with my Treo 650 (yes, I’ve added the correct lines to devices.xml) and Exchange (couldn’t sync the calendar?!?!?), and Read more…

Fantom o’the Opera

Tickets to the Phantom of the Opera: $380 … Wearable memorabilia for the whole family: $130 … 5 Smiling Kaspers and a cross-eyed dog: $Priceless …