Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Tag: guildwars2

Thoughts on Guild Wars 2 Expansion

As I mentioned previously, I BIG TIME LOVE Guild Wars 2. And now there’s an expansion coming and I am really excited about it. But I’ve seen a lot of complaining from current players that ArenaNet decided to charge $50 for it and also throw the core game in for free for people who don’t have it already. I think the thought process there is “well, I spent $50 on the game already, and now I have to spend another $50, so my investment is $100; whereas new players will only have to pay $50 for all that I have now.” I think this is a flawed mindset and I dumped this into my Guild’s Facebook group post earlier and Read more…

Guild Wars 2 AC Dungeon, Path 3, Burrows Pattern, Memorization By Grid

Wherein our fearless GuildWars2-playing blogger attempts to memorize the burrow graveling spawn pattern in AC P3.