Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

And God created Darwin

I realize that this has been out on the ‘Net since 1999, apparently, but I just became aware of it. This is a really interesting article, written by Hans Bodlaender, apparently. I think it is a very well-balanced and wise point of view to have, and as a Christian, I agree with it. I’ll not quote the entire thing here, but just the last couple of paragraphs….

What are we talking about?
One can in any case say that evolution theory does not form a proof of Gods existence. Neither do usually holes in that theory turn people into Christians. Creationists that would give mistaken arguments in favor of creationism however can put people on the wrong track, leading people away from God. If one should fight evolution theory, then the most important is to fight the (as I argued here: unnecessary) atheist parts of the theory. But too often it seems that Christians try to convince others that they are right, while it is much more important to have people know about their Creator. We should not score our point in a scientific debate, but save people from a life and afterlife without God. And remember, being a Christian means something more than just believing that God exists.

Besides the most well known viewpoints on the coming into being of the different species (‘atheistic’ evolution and creationism), there are others – there is no ‘dialectic’ choice to be made between these two.

In fact, given this, the question loses its importance and one cannot and should not base ones religion or atheism just on the correctness or incorrectness of the scientific theory of evolution.

And, yes, God also created Darwin.

So what do you think?

One Reply to “And God created Darwin”

  • I think that people who find all answers in God are in some way afraid of science. And people who find all answers in science are in some way afraid of God. So, until the two are proven mutually exclusive, it’s probably best to take a little of both. I may be wrong, but that’s what I think.

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