VMware, Day 3
Wednesday October 24, 2007
This place is SO amazingly, refreshingly, awesomely, mind-bogglingly, ground-breakingly (yes, that’s a new word), life-changingly (write that one down), career rejuvenatingly, totally, totally cool.
I am seeing the world through new eyes, truly. I am in awe. I am absolutely having the time of my life.
Maybe some of it is due to the “having been hitting one’s head against the cement wall for so long, anything else feels downright wonderful” syndrome, but I think it’s more than that. VMware actually gets Open Source. The movement, the power, the people, the world-wide community, the whole thing. For the last three days, I’ve constantly been thinking how refreshing it is to not have to fight my employer every step of the way, trying to introduce Open Source solutions, getting permission to use Linux, getting support for it, etc. I’ve been fighting that uphill corporate battle with little support and few victories for so long that I’ve not fully realized how tiring it is before just now. But here, to not only not have to fight policy, culture, etc., but to even be encouraged and supported in using Open Source and Linux… it is wonderful. Like coming home to a family that you never knew you had (see paragraph 1).
Thus far, (3 days into it, all brand-spanking new, wet behind the ears, and what-not), I’ve managed to uncover a small inconvenience in our gtk24 wrapper script that shows up when you don’t have libgtkmm installed at the system level, as I do not being that I am infinitely more comfortable using KDE with a small smattering of GTK-based apps (xchat (hi Thiago! please fix the SOCKS proxy issue so we can get app-specific settings! =;)) and pidgin mainly). So I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to poke enough at that one to be productive on my first week at work. =:)
But I digress…
Oh, by the way, San Diego (my home until 9 years ago) is on fire. Film at 11.
VMware is beyond uber-cool. Unspeakably so. I love it here.
By the way. I know you’ve got people at work that you can ask about issues, but you can also come visit #c++ on irc.gnome.org if you have gtkmm-related questions. We’re generally quite friendly, even to KDE people 🙂
hmm.. where can i find the open source version of vmware?
There is no open-source version. Maybe you’re confusing VMware with VirtualBox (which has proprietary and open-source versions of the same program), or were a bit misled by the article’s wording.
VMware Server is freeware though, if that fits your needs.
“VMware actually gets Open Source”
No, not really. VMware is still proprietary…
Glad you’re having a good time there, and that you were able to make the move! Good luck for the future 🙂
VMware actually gets Open Source.
Does it also get FREE (as in FREEDOM) Software?
Congratulations for your new job. Changes are most times good!
jonner, thanks!!! I’ll definitely keep that in mind!! =:)
rasi/daniel: actually, there are a few VMware free products, including server, player (the team that I’m on), and the guest tools, amongst others. really cool stuff!! =:)
Bille: thanks man!! =:) I had thought things might have gone a different way, but apparently they were not meant to be, at least not at this time. =:)
I’m also starting a job at VMware soon (in two weeks, Lab Manager team). It’s great to see such an enthusiastic endorsement. It gives me confidence that I made a good choice.
Hey John!! =:) Awesome!! Welcome aboard!! =:)