nVidia 177.80 Released!
Wednesday October 8, 2008
Holy crap. KDE 4.2 frickin’ flies! And contrary to my previous post, now if I set IPP=2, everything’s blazing fast and I’m actually able to resize konsole again! WooooooT!!! YAY progress!!!
[[ UPDATE ]] : Added link to my previous post. I had already posted my xorg.conf settings and since then, the only thing I’ve changed was IPP=2 from IPP=1. HTH!
Can you please post your important xorg.conf screen/device options?
This is great news 🙂
fyi others, release note:
Resizing windows is still slow here with 177.80. (also with IPP=2) 🙁
Hey @liquidat, I just updated this with the link to my previous post, where I posted my xorg.conf. =:) HTH!
@tobiwae: what GPU do you have? Did you try IPP=1? And by slow do you mean laggy? What I meant by slow was that before yesterday, when I tried to resize konsole, it would literally take 30 seconds between when I stopped resizing and my system would respond again. =:( Check out my previous post and try the performance tuning links I listed, playing with nvidia-settings in between tests.
I have the same problem with konsole resizing (reported here : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158093 ) and nothing changed with nvidia release 177.80 with either IPP=1 or IPP=2
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Unfortunately there is still a one year old regression, resulting in ugly artifacts. See http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=104822