Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Author: Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper

… and friends were made

I had absolutely the most amazing time at this year’s Google Summer of Code Mentor’s Summit. I’m sure I’ll sound like quite the gushing fan-boy, but so be it. I’ve been involved in the KDE project for the last couple of years. I can thank Adriaan deGroot fully for getting me hooked, and also for being a great mentor and friend throughout. Until this last weekend, I had not actually met any other KDE geek in the flesh. Living in the United States as I do, I’ve met many a GNOME zealot and developer, but nary a KDE kindred spirit. And so, I am still coming down off of the “high” of getting to spend this last weekend with both Read more…

On The Way Back From SOC Summit

So, here I sit in SFO, fighting the urge to pay $6 for an hour of WIFI. Note to self: figure out how to use Treo 650 in Linux with Sprint as a PPP connection! Oh yeah, also buy a bluetooth usb dongle like Seb’s. I had an absolutely amazing last couple of days, despite having the most obnoxious sinus/head cold evar. I cannot tell you how totally cool both Seb and Thiago are. I wish I had a few more days to spend with them, as well as all the rest of my fellow FOSS geek brethren. The Google summer of code mentor’s summit was just plain awesome (thanks Chris, Leslie, and all the other Googlers who made this Read more…

Sun’s Search Inside the Music

Man, I’m a geek! I just couldn’t bring myself to go to sleep tonight at 10:00, like a good (smart) boy, and instead of hacking on KPilot or doing something else productive, I watched an extremely cool web presentation from Sun’s JavaOne Technical Sessions. That’s right… I chose to watch a Sun web presentation instead of TV or a movie. That makes me… a geek, yep… just checking…. I was totally blown away, 4 years ago, at BorCon when I got to see Sun’s Project Looking Glass demo. Jonathon Schwartz did a fantastic job of demoing it, and he did so following an especially obnoxious and irritating Microsoft presentation. I still remember walking out of the room with my friend, Read more…

KDE Computer Case Badges

KDE Computer Case Badges Originally uploaded by vanRijn Ordered some awesome computer case badges from an overseas .nl guy and just got them in the mail yesterday. I must say, I’m very impressed–with the quality of the product, the price, the shipping cost, and the shipping time. I highly recommend him, even though I can’t understand the majority of his site and e-mails…. =:D


It was a really interesting week, this last, punctuated by some things that I can not yet talk about yet and also by some things that I can and should. Pertaining to the former, I had the unique opportunity to take some time away from the norm, see some things I’ve not seen before, and think.  (Un?)Fortunately, I didn’t have the presence of mind to bring much to do along the way, so I didn’t have the chance to watch some of the movies that have been gathering dust, waiting to be returned to ye olde Blockbuster.  But that provided the opportunity to dwell a bit on where I am in life’s journey and forced me to find center again, Read more…

This Post Left Intentionally Blank

Antonio B, David, Alex, Robert, Antonio D, Jim, Surendra, Mark, and Regis: I had a great time with you guys.  Thanks so much for your time!  I had an awesome day.  Here’s hoping we’ll be seeing more of each other!  =;)

An Interview with Scott Stapp

I know, I’m 3 years late, but I just now found this interesting interview with Creed’s lead singer.  One snippit that caught my eye was this: So, are you now a “Christian artist,” or an artist who happens to be a Christian? Stapp: I’m an artist who’s a Christian, because I don’t write music to be evangelical. Now, if that happens, it happens. My dad’s a dentist, and he’s a Christian. Now, does he put in Christian fillings? No, that’s just part of his three-dimensional life. Now, there are people that are Christian artists, because they have a purpose to be evangelical for Christ. I don’t feel I’ve been called to that yet. Now, that could change. There’s no telling Read more…

Got (KDE) Shirts? (part deux)

So, I received my custom-made KDE and KPilot shirts from spreadshirts.com yesterday, and am very, very impressed. 5 days to get the shirts printed and shipped is pretty darned impressive. Nice job, spreadshirt!!! The shirts seem to be well-made and of good quality. I’m just hoping that the logos and printing doesn’t start coming off for at least another 5 years… =;) And yeah, my witticisms are perhaps not the greatest, but I was a bit thin on pop culture references at the time, and Adriaan was asleep. So bite me. But I can say that if you’re in the .us, and you’re looking for some nice KDE swag to wear out on your next hot geeky night on the Read more…

Not to leave the room, even if you come and get ‘im.

At least there’s always Monty Python when you’re having a rough day: Son: Ah…ah know. But I want the girl that I marry to have… a certain…*special*…something… King: Cut that out!! Cut that out…. You’re marryin’ Princess Lucky, so you’d better get used to the idea! GUARDS!!! Make sure the prince doesn’t leave this room until I come and get ‘im. Guard 1: Not to leave the room, even if you come and get ‘im. Guard 2: *Hic* King: Nono…. *Until* I come and get him. Guard 1: Until you come and get him, we’re not to enter the room. King: Nono, no… You *stay* in the room, and make sure *he* doesn’t leave. Guard 1: And you’ll come and Read more…

Got (KDE) Shirts?

So, after searching for some cool KDE swag online and finding none (found some shirts and stickers of dubious quality at cafepress.com, but has anyone actually ordered anything from them and had good or bad experiences to share??), I found spreadshirt.com and tried their T-shirt designer thingey. After thoroughly enjoying watching their Flash-based designer crash Firefox about 10 times in a row (definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results), I admitted defeat and switched to my darling bride’s Powerbook and Safari. Long story short, I custom-made 2 shirts (black, of course, is there any other shirt color?) and am now waiting eagerly for them to arrive. If anyone has any thoughts on better Read more…