Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Author: Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper

WordPress design and you (I’m bored again with mine)

I knew it was coming. The worst part of it is that even if I do find an uber-cool design that I like, I’ll likely soon get bored again. And what, then, shall I do? What then, donut lady? Well, anyway, I’m looking for a good WordPress design. In fact, I wasted a few hours late yesterday night doing so. And an hour or so today. =:/ I’m really liking the Kubrick designs, like the one my friend Mike put on his site, and there are some really nice-looking designs that people have done, based on it. One of the things I like most about it is the ability to have a second tag-line in the header area. The wp-styles Read more…

WordPress and e-mail notification

So, one thing that I’ve found lacking in WordPress is the ability to be notified when somebody has replied to your comments on someone else’s blog. And, not surprising, there is a plugin for it. It looks pretty interesting, and I’m tempted to try it. =:) As an aside, I started looking through Brian Groce’s site, and I am very impressed! It’s a very nicely-done WordPress-based site, for starters, and it’s very refreshing to see another “Bible-based Christian” in the wild. =:) But back to my original point… isn’t this “send an e-mail to the person who posted a comment when their comment is replied to” functionality something that should be in WordPress itself?

Still in search of a better mousetrap

So, I stumbled upon this wordpress client and got all excited about it until I realized that it was written specifically for Internet Explorer (which I wouldn’t use if you paid me in Cheese Whiz), specifically for Windows (which I wouldn’t use if you paid me in Cheese Whiz either). Why would anyone write an application for IE nowadays, please tell me? Blargh. Isn’t there a java-based client somewhere??? I’ve been using BloGTK on and off for a while, and it’s semi-decent, but it doesn’t wow me. I have to have it use MovableType, and it doesn’t seem to be able to edit my WordPress blog entries. Hm. I guess that’s it for now.

In defense of the people being accused of accusing the Sponge

My friend Mike has brought up the Spongebob issue. Here’s the thing that bothers me about this. Once again, the media has incorrectly reported the real situation. If you’re interested, you can read the cause of all this hullabaloo here. In fact, go do that real quick. Go on, read it. Okay, Mister Stubborn, let me help you out… Question Why is Dr. Dobson objecting to the distribution of a video featuring such popular children’s characters as SpongeBob SquarePants? Answer From the outset, let’s be clear that this issue is not about objections to any specific cartoon characters. Instead, Dr. Dobson is concerned that these popular animated personalities are being exploited by an organization that’s determined to promote the acceptance Read more…

You can tell you really need a week off when…

You’ve just had a day off yesterday and you don’t feel at all rested. You wake up an hour and a half late for work the day after your day off. You would rather be shoveling snow than sitting in your cubicle at work. You would rather be cleaning the bathroom than sitting in your cubicle at work. You would rather be doing almost anything else than sitting in your cubicle at work.

You can tell you really need a day off when…

you are taking one tomorrow and don’t have a clue as to what you’re going to do with yourself, but you know that it won’t be “to rest”. your to-do list is longer for your day off than it is for a regular day at the office. you are feeling stressed out about the fact that you have 3 movies that need to be watched. you have struggled for the last 4 hours to go through the last 2 weeks’ worth of e-mails. you have 2 hours ahead of you to go through the last 2 weeks’ worth of opened-but-not-looked-through tabs in Opera. It is snowing tonight, ever-so-lightly, so perhaps I’ll have to deal with shoveling tomorrow. I should have Read more…

About me (a clarification of the me-ness of me)

My name is Jason ‘vanRijn’ Kasper. The Jason part was given to me by my parents, though I have many times wished I had been named Richard the Third, after my Dad and Grandfather. The Kasper part was passed down to me from my Dad, though there are some pretty interesting facts about the family’s lineage. The ‘vanRijn’ part is something that happened on the way between then and now, but you can read more about that later. My titles at work are Master Systems Engineer and Chief Architect. In human-speak, that means that I’m a geek who can and enjoys to: Program computers in more than 10 different languages. Understand complex problems that need to be solved with computer Read more…

And God created Darwin

I realize that this has been out on the ‘Net since 1999, apparently, but I just became aware of it. This is a really interesting article, written by Hans Bodlaender, apparently. I think it is a very well-balanced and wise point of view to have, and as a Christian, I agree with it. I’ll not quote the entire thing here, but just the last couple of paragraphs…. What are we talking about? One can in any case say that evolution theory does not form a proof of Gods existence. Neither do usually holes in that theory turn people into Christians. Creationists that would give mistaken arguments in favor of creationism however can put people on the wrong track, leading people Read more…

KDE, Bible Quiz, and those neato Subway bun toasters

Yesterday was a long day, in which my eldest daughter and her Teen Bible Quiz team came in first place in their third match!! I am SO proud of my team!! As their coach, I was nervous about the match yesterday, and in spots, it was VERY close. But my girls pulled through and were rewarded for all the hard work they’ve put in over the last 5 weeks. =:) Today, my younger 2 kiddos are having a practice Junior Bible Quiz session for 4 and a half hours. =:) Another long day. =:) But it is really rewarding watching them–seeing what great children I have and what great little people they are growing up (too quickly) to be!! They Read more…

Me and my Logitech MediaPlay mousie and Linux

One word seems to fit… WAHOO!!! A couple of weeks ago, I bought this incredibly cool Logitech MediaPlay mousie. Now, I run Linux by choice, and have for the last 10 years, and most probably will for the next 20 or so. This means that there are certain things you resign yourself to having to figure out yourself. This mousie was one of them. I mean, the smooth scrolling, and etcetera worked fine, as did the 3 other buttons (X sees 5 buttons for a normal 3 button mouse with a scroll-wheel–3 regular and buttons 4 and 5 are the scroll-wheel’s up and down). So, that much worked fine out of the box. But this cute little mousie has 10 Read more…