Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Author: Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper

Modeline Generation and Xinerama Info

So, I’m trying to think positively about the 3-hour battle I just had with X. I learned 2 new things today, which I didn’t really want to learn but yay nonetheless. First, Xinerama. I’m going to be doing multiple monitor stuff for work, which should be really interesting if I can keep my self-imposed stress level down. I have never had more than a single monitor to use on any given desktop or laptop until I started working at VMware, and as such I am currently less than clueful with how all of this stuff works in X. (As an aside, if anyone can refer me to some really good documentation or multi-head/multi-screen/multi-monitor/multi-display Linux/X resources, I’d greatly appreciate it!) So Read more…

OpenSUSE 10.3 > Kubuntu Hardy -> Fedora 9 -> Mandriva 2008.1 -> OpenSUSE 11

I got bored with my Ubuntu Hardy install last week and decided to have a look at what some of the other guys are up to these days. Mind you, there wasn’t anything horribly wrong with my Ubuntu host. I still ♥ apt; IMHO, there’s still nothing faster (although the new package management in OpenSUSE 11 comes darned close!). But anyway, it was an interesting trek across the newest distros and while I was looking to end up with something other than SUSE (again, nothing wrong with it at all–I just like change), I am totally impressed with OpenSUSE 11 and am going to feel satisfied sticking with it for a decently long while, knowing that I’ve shopped around as Read more…

First Woot Shirts!

I know… I’m behind the times. But still, I just got these 2 new woot shirts in the mail today and I’m so happy with them! =:)


So I spent a couple of hours tonight hacking on KPilot instead of going to bed like a smart little boy (sorry, honey!!! =:( ), and I fixed a couple of nagging problems that’ve been bugging me for months that I’ve just not been able to find the time to dig in and investigate. I think that’s the problem. At this stage in my life, there  simply is no time unless it is forcibly wrenched away from my family or sleep. Blef. Anyway, I digress… As this year’s Google Summer of Code winds down to an abrupt end (Pencils down on Monday?? Already??), I am once again very satisfied and impressed with the job that Bertjan has done. He’s continued Read more…

@jdotk for 2008-08-11

@chipx86 Oh Christian, I am SO sorry. =:( *HUG* # Can a 15+-year vi user learn emacs? # Powered by Twitter Tools.

@jdotk for 2008-08-10

My darling bride just informed me that I’m pouting because I didn’t get to go to Akademy this year. Darnit, but she’s right. =:( # Powered by Twitter Tools.

@jdotk for 2008-08-09

“Your robotic smart house could strike at any moment.” Love this book so far! # Very bummed I’m missing out on Akademy again. =:( I totally need to start the passport process!! # Need to buy rope and accessories for a monster between-two-trees swing in the back yard this weekend. But for now, KPilot/SOC hacking… # I SO want a Nokia N810!!! # Powered by Twitter Tools.

@jdotk for 2008-08-08

Blef. Fridays are supposed to feel better than this, I thought. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

@jdotk for 2008-08-07

Awesome, rainy day in New England. Lost power once already, briefly, and UPS’s kept me up and working, yay! # I really need to spend a weekend and hack an Xbox into being my file/print/ssh server, dangit. Anyone hacked a parallel port onto an Xbox? # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-06

Working from Cambridge office today! Lunch with Google and VMware peoples, woot!! # Powered by Twitter Tools.