Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: Life in General

A Tale of a Flat Tire and God’s Goodness

I pray a lot for my kids. I always have. I ask God to protect them, shield them, guide them, and watch over them when I cannot. Watching your oldest child reach 18 years of age, start college, start driving, and be out of your line of sight and protection for large parts of the day make you pray even more. And so it is that I missed God’s blessing entirely and went straight to angry, pissed off, frustrated, groaning, belly-aching, and in general no fun to be around this morning when my darling bride and I drove both cars down the driveway to get the annual vehicle inspections done. Thankfully, I noticed the flat tire about 30 yards down Read more…

My Childhood Guinea Pig Named Squeaker

<kergoth> anyone messed with protobuf? <vanRijn> kergoth: i once had a hamster i named protobuf, does that help? <kergoth> fraid not <vanRijn> actually, it was a guinea pig <vanRijn> and it was named Squeaker <vanRijn> but still <darth_mall> vanRijn: that’s practically the same thing! <kergoth> hehe <vanRijn> darth_mall: I KNOW RIGHT! I think I’m getting too in touch with my emotions as of late. I actually got a little teared up, thinking about my cute little childhood Guinea Pig named  Squeaker and his untimely demise. *sniffle*

Cleaning Up (and Remembering) The Old

I hate leaving things on my mental To-Do list, no matter how trivial or stupid they are. But I’ve had it on my mental to do list for like 4 years now to move all of the images I had in /bimages/ and /images/ on my web server to flickr and update the content in my wordpress database appropriately. So this morning, I took a couple of hours and did just this. Only had like 75 posts to edit, so it wasn’t all that bad. But along the way, it was pretty cool getting to see some of the really old pictures I still had in there and have some nice memories come back, such as: Dang I was excited Read more…

KDE/Qt California People Sightings!!

I’m out in California this week (belated warning) again, WOOT! I got to spend another awesome weekend at the Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit. This year, Leo and I were the official KDE representatives, but Thiago, Simon, Ariya, and Olivier got to join in on the fun too. And then today and tomorrow are the Qt DevDays, where I finally got to meet blauzahl, greeneg, and hays, as well as catch up again with the Qt dudes and njaard. It’s a really, hectic, crazy week, trying to cram everything into it, and I’m tired as hell, but it’s been an awesome week thus far. Hopefully my body will hold off on the usual travelling sickness until I get home. Read more…

The N810, Lack of PIM apps, and Palm OS VM

So, about the biggest complaint that I have with the N810 thus far is that it doesn’t have good, syncable-with-my-Linux/KDE-desktop PIM apps. At least, none that I’ve seen yet. And yes, it would be super neato if I could run KDE PIM apps (korganizer, kaddressbook, etc.) on the N810, but that still doesn’t address the syncable-with-my-Linux/KDE-desktop problem. I have discovered, though, that the Access people (those who bought the Palm OS or something) are providing a Garnet (Palm OS) VM for the Maemo platform!!! You can find out more about it here and download it/install it on your N810 pretty easily. What this means is that you can run all of your Palm applications on your N810! I’ve not tested Read more…

Nokia N810 and an 8 GB Micro/Mini SDHC Card

After reading about a whole lot of problems people have been having with SanDisk micro->mini SDHC card adapters on the N810, I bought this awesome little Kingston 8GB Micro SDHC Mobility Multi Kit Model MBLY/8GB over the weekend for only $30(!!) and just got it in the mail today. After figuring out how to actually put the thing in (label-side up like normal–it’s just a bit of a weird fit), I was pleasantly surprised to find that the N810 promptly displayed a “Memory card available” message and that I could use the card just fine. The 8GB card came pre-formatted as vfat (FAT32) and only reported as having 7.4GB available, which is, I guess, normal (albeit annoying). I reformatted the Read more…

First Woot Shirts!

I know… I’m behind the times. But still, I just got these 2 new woot shirts in the mail today and I’m so happy with them! =:)

@jdotk for 2008-08-11

@chipx86 Oh Christian, I am SO sorry. =:( *HUG* # Can a 15+-year vi user learn emacs? # Powered by Twitter Tools.

@jdotk for 2008-08-10

My darling bride just informed me that I’m pouting because I didn’t get to go to Akademy this year. Darnit, but she’s right. =:( # Powered by Twitter Tools.

@jdotk for 2008-08-09

“Your robotic smart house could strike at any moment.” Love this book so far! # Very bummed I’m missing out on Akademy again. =:( I totally need to start the passport process!! # Need to buy rope and accessories for a monster between-two-trees swing in the back yard this weekend. But for now, KPilot/SOC hacking… # I SO want a Nokia N810!!! # Powered by Twitter Tools.