Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: Life in General

Flickr assimilation now complete

I have now joined the Borg Collective officially, I can say, and have moved all of my photos off of my personal website and onto my Flickr account. Time will tell the wisdom of this move, I suppose. I can say that the features that Flickr offers are WAY cooler than anything else I’ve seen in this space. I had previously been using Singapore, but became quickly disenchanted by the lack of good themes/templates and the lack of integration into WordPress. On the other hand, Flickr offers a VERY good service, gives tons of storage space (far more than I need, methinks), allows for a variety of ways to upload your pictures, provides a really cool interface (the slideshow thing Read more…

Sweet little Flickr Uploadr thing for Linux

I don’t know why I didn’t think of looking sooner, but after struggling with the official Flickr Uploadr in Linux with Wine (the tool itself works great, but the windows file selector doesn’t allow you to preview images, and I can’t find a windows tool that works in wine that does show previews/thumbnails and works with drag-and-drop to the Flickr Uploadr), I decided to search for a Flickr Uploadr solution for Linux. I found this sweet little jewel of a tool that allows uploading images to my flickr account, and it works perfectly well with drag-and-drop from konqueror. Nice job Michele!! =:)

Flickr Uploadr for Windows runs fine under Linux with Wine

Yay! =:) Drag-and-drop doesn’t work, but the program installs and runs fine in Linux with wine!! The versions I’m running (I’m using Mandrake LE 2005 (10.2) these days): $ rpm -qa | grep -i wine wine-20040505-10.mdk10.2.thac libwine1-20040505-10.mdk10.2.thac

My brother, Josh Kasper, the professional skateboarder

I am so proud of my brother! He is an amazing athlete. Our Dad would be proud. =:)

Doing the Flickr thing

So, I’ve been using Singapore for the last few years to manage my photos, and it’s alright–not too horrible, it’s free, it does a pretty good job, has a couple of template options, etc. However, I really would like something that would let me tie into WordPress better. To Singapore’s credit, they do allow for this by providing an easy way to do this with the external template. And I’ve used this method to fit it into my site, and it looks moderately good. The one thing I’d REALLY like to be able to do is for the WordPress search to also search my photos–so that a search on my site would be all-encompassing, not just just a search of Read more…

Ack. Sorry, I’ve moved back to / from /b

I guess I was thinking that it would be neat to have a different /index.php than my WordPress blog. But… well, I never have and never will and there’s no point in it begin there. So I’m moving everything back to http://movingparts.net/ from http://movingparts.net/b/. Sorry for the chaos. =:/

My Teen Bible Quiz team at Regionals, 2005

My Teen Bible Quiz Team!!! =:) Originally uploaded by vanRijn. Forgot to mention this previously, but since I’m playing with Flickr, I figured I’d give it a shot. Here’s a quick shot of my team outside of the church we spent 2 days at in REALLY tough competition. Check out my Flickr pages for more pictures….


This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.

Look ma, I’m infamous!

Yay! Adriaan was nice enough to include me in the KDE people-of-PIM page! A prouder moment I’ve not had all week. =:) In other news…. I saw Episode III, and I must say that my predictions were largely accurate, except that reading the screenplay/book was somehow worse than seeing it all movie-fied. Real Life (TM) is sucking up far too much coding time and as such, I’ve not been able to get a chance to work on getting knotes/kpilot working all beautiful-like. This will require some changes in knotes to deal with categories and another program modifying its ics-file, etc., first before the changes can be made to kpilot, so I think I’ll probably take a look at submitting some Read more…

An example of how to not treat your users

I am always amazed at the rudeness and insensitivity that is shown by certain members of the Open Source community. This behavior is many times in stark contrast with that of others who do an outstanding job of treating others with kindness and consideration. I know it’s not fair to generalize or put people into groups, etc., but having watched and been involved in the mailing lists for the evolution project, and the gnome community in general, there are certain inviduals who continually go out of their way to be rude, irritating, and annoying. Here’s a good example which just landed in my lap today…. The evolution GNOME groupware project had made some very nice UI changes between major version Read more…