Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: Linux

iChat Superiority

A wise man once said, “Never take a knife to a gunfight.” I have made that mistake. You can here see my attempt to challenge my friend’s chat client manliness. I thought this funny enough to share. =:) On the left, you can see the challenger, kopete, with its iChat style. And on the right, you can see Mike, using the real iChat, on a real Mac, laughing at me. Dangit I want a Powerbook! (psst! iChat Superiority was uploadd by: vanRijn).

Hi, it’s me

Wow. Long time no blog. Life has been keeping me pretty busy lately. Work is… well, it’s work after all. I suppose that if one were to love one’s job, it would not be work, so much. I’d like that! An update on the OpenSuSE distribution I’m running…. It’s still a really nice system, especially considering the fact that it’s a beta (well, release candidate 1 now), but there are a few annoyances that I have that I’m hoping will get ironed out in the final release of SuSE 10. If they don’t get fixed, I’m going to go back to Mandrake. Annoyances: My PCMCIA wireless network card does not get re-configured automatically when I suspend and resume my laptop. Read more…

screenshots from days of yore…

kay! So here’s the part where I show you some examples of what my working environment looks like. =:) Mind you, these aren’t all THAT exciting, and are intended only to give you an example of the flexibility that you have in running FreeBSD/Linux/UNIX/anything other than Microsoft’s Windows (sometimes) Operating Systems. I say “(sometimes)” because they are as a general rule SO horribly unstable compared to FreeBSD/Linux/UNIX. Anyhoo, enough talking… here’s the pic’s. Feel free to click on the images and up will pop a new window with the full-sized graphic (1024×768)…. Let’s see…. In this shot, I’m developing the banner for my site in gimp while running artwiz‘s “cliche” theme for blackbox. And look, there’s my mutt e-mail client Read more…

window managers

Well, anyway, back in the days of hanging on on undernet’s #linux for far too many hours every day, Brad Hughes (who I used to know as nyztihke, and now goes by nyz) showed me some interesting code he was playing with–hand-writing his own window manager from scratch. At the time, you had to manually edit .Xdefaults and restart his code any time you wanted to change something. =:) Anyway, I was still so enthralled with all the neato options that the seemingly countless number of window managers for X offered, that I was switching window managers about twice a week. At the time, I bounced back and forth between AfterStep, that raster kid’s enlightenment window manager, the Ice window Read more…

note to self: um. I forget…

It’s an interesting thing to note–I’m still using blackbox. =:) Heh. I must be getting old…. Further note to self: put some newer screenshots up… sheesh!

the real skinny skinny

Allllllllrighty then!!! Here’s the thing. =:) This page has never really been much of any use. I mean, it’s previously held nothing whatsoever of any use to anyone. So we take the big wad of uselessness and throw it right in the trash…. But OH BAYBEE, all that is going to change now!!! =:) Well, that is to say, I certainly hope that things will start to look up…. As far as computers go, I started playing with them in 5th grade (waaaaaay back when I was just this big). My first exposure to this fabulous new world was the Apple ][. =:) Ahh, it really brings back the memories…. I was always fascinated by the simple loop-programs that one Read more…