Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids

Amarok 1.4 and Why You Should Care

Amarok 1.4 has been released and all I can say is WWWWOOOOOOOWWWW.  This release is amazing, guys.  I’ve been waiting for it to show up in my kubuntu updates list and it hasn’t, so tonight I hunted a bit and found this announcement showing how to get it for dapper.  As I type this, I’m transferring 1.4G to my iPod nano, and it looks like it’s going to also transfer the album cover artwork along with it.  Kick butt!!! For those who have been living in a hole for the last few years, amarok is an absolutely amazing and free music manager that uses the Qt toolkit, and is thusly available for Linux, *BSD, OS X, and probably Windows too, Read more…

SuSE 10.1 Online Sources

Just installed 10.1 on my work laptop yesterday.  I have an IBM ThinkPad T42, and it doesn’t look like XGL is going to work for me on that.  Bummer.    That’s some of the reason that I went through this upgrade.  =:/ Just found this helpful link for finding SUSE 10.1 online package installation sources, and am upgrading KDE from 3.5.1 to 3.5.3 now (yay!).  Reason behind this was that there’s an annoying little buglet in KDE PIM 3.5.1 which shifts all of my appointments off by 5 hours (basically a time zone bug) that I believe was fixed in 3.5.2.

The Importance of Not Getting Bit While Digging Up Rocks

So, as a prelude… you may think of it as something very important to learn in life… if ever you are planning on digging very, very, very large rocks out of your New England back yard, be sure to cover yourself head to boots in mosquito repellant. Otherwise, you will assuredly find yourself covered in more bug bites than you care to count. I mean, honestly, what kind of stupid mosquito bites you on the ears??? How much blood can possibly be up there anyway? Blah. Death to all mosquitos!!! Okay, so in other news, I’ve finally gotten back to coding a bit on kpilot. Feels good. Real good. =:) Granted, all that I’ve gotten accomplished so far has been Read more…

In Lieu of a Real Post…

… I shall list the things that I would actually put into a real post if I had the time: I would post about the incredibly fun time my little brood and I had down South-Easterly-like in our previous home-town of Harrisburg, PA, visiting the best of friends. I might mention the adverse effects that driving for 7 contiguous hours will have on your posterior region. I would upload some pictures to my flickr account, showing some of the fun, frivolity, and freakishness from previous weekend, including: a thorough smashing of one candy-stuffed Dora The Explorer pinata, culminating in my delicate, beautiful eldest daughter, smashing the utter bejeebers out of said beloved cartoon character, in full witness of several of Read more…

iPod Nano iSkin, M:I:III

iPod Nano Skin, M:I:III, originally uploaded by vanRijn. So, me needed to get me some armor for me iPod nano, matey, since me had one of the little buggers up and get a cracked screen on me in recent days bygone. And me started looking at me options. And me found the iPod Nano iSkins. And me thought they looked all slickey like. And then me saw the special edition, Mission: Impossible III iSkin. And me ordered it. And me got it today. And me am not so sure me likes it. For starters, the new clothing makes me nano a trifle bit hard to use. Uncovering the bottom hole covers which cover the headphone jack and the cradle/cable port Read more…

In The Last 48 Hours

I have had the pleasure(?) of living through the following: Getting two problems (ABS light and Airbag light were both stuck on) with our new-to-us 2005 Town & Country fixed only to find another problem (2 radiator fans refused to turn off when car was turned off). Had to disconnect battery overnight to turn off fans and prevent battery drainage. Took said vehicle back into the dealer who promptly and courteously fixed it. Again. Finding out that the family dog (who just yesterday started limping–refusing to set any weight on her left, front paw) has Lyme disease. $200+ later and doggie is now feeling much better, apparently. Beating head repeatedly against same problem at work for a week now is Read more…

Daddy, Where Is The Other Internet Stick?

So, I was at work today when my beautiful eldest daughter called me and asked me if I knew where the “other Internet stick” was.  I had to think about that one for a second. Turns out, I have our computers using wireless USB network cards.  The other night, I had taken one of the wireless USB network cards out of the computer downstairs and left it upstairs.  Ah-HAH!  That’s what she was looking for!  The Internet Stick (TM) that I had taken out of the computer and left on my desk.  =:) *teehee* I love my kids!!!  =:)

This Just In: Apple Is Better Than Microsoft

Well, I had to make up for my blah-stricken previous post full of my woes and travails. So, anyway, I once had a nifty little iPod nano. I loved her like a cat and gave her a name and talked in soothing tones to her. Oh, little Beethovina and me were inseparable, yes we were. *sniffle* And then one fine day, Beethovina got a crack in her display. I cannot tell you how distraught I was. Ohhhh, I was nigh unconsolable.  Not to mention the fact that a 2-gig iPod shuffle sucks mightily, especially when what you really want is to be able to see the thingeys that you can’t see on the display. *sniffle* But I must tell you, Read more…

LDAP, Microsoft Exchange, and KAddressBook or Thunderbird

My current employer uses Exhange 2003 as its current groupware solution. I have on-and-off-again been beating my head against the proverbial concrete wall in trying to get it to work nicely with LDAP and addressbooks other than Evolution or Outlook, for obvious reasons. Today, my geeky noggin’ has broken through the proverbial concrete wall and I now have both KDE’s kaddressbook and Thunderbird’s address book successfully using the Exchange server here at work. Yay, me! Two things I’ve found this morning that have helped my noggin’ and I’ll list them here for future reference for myself as well as in hopes of helping some other poor concrete/geek/proverbial/noggin’-banging soul. First, I’ve found this post which lists a very helpful step-by-step approach Read more…

The Best Use For A Cat And A Balloon

I Have A Great Idea!, originally uploaded by vanRijn. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this like 10 years ago, but tying a helium-filled balloon to your pet (I’ve tried the cat and the dog and can vouch for the brilliance of this plan for them, but your fish I cannot recommend trying this on) is absolutely the most brilliant thing I’ve ever done in my life. As an added touch, rub the balloon like a fiend all over the cat’s back so that it makes his hair stand up on end and also so that the balloon is so static-electricity-charged that it will attach itself to said cat’s body, or anything else that is close enough (like Read more…