Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Author: Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper

My Replacement Moleskine!

My Replacement Moleskine! Originally uploaded by vanRijn Dude, seriously, my faith is much more than restored in Moleskine due to this. I had blogged previously about the premature death of my beloved Moleskine, and had forgotten all about Moleskine’s excellent warranty. Well, I e-mailed them and exactly as they’d promised, today I received a brand new, replacement Moleskine straight from Milano, Italy. Awesome!!! I know I’m a gushing fanboy, but as of this moment, I am a Moleskine customer for life. If only every company had this kind of commitment to their product and excellent customer service!

Curse of the Golden Flower: Nyet

I’m sorry, but 2 words: Don’t Bother. You can say what you want about the ornate costumes, the beautiful colors, the amazing sets. Yeah, maybe. But the story? I’m sorry, but if I wanted to be depressed and bored and looking for the fast forward button for 2 hours, I could have watched the housing market reports for a few hours while hitting myself in the head every couple of minutes. Don’t get me wrong, I mean no disrespect to China or the actors/actresses in the film or the director. But as far as enjoying a movie goes, I had a better time watching the ultra-violent Shoot ‘Em Up. At least there the good guys win at the end. Blef. Read more…

I Want a New Drug

My apologies to Huey Lewis and the News. And warning: this is a wandering, brain-dumping, meandering post which may very well be of no interest to you. There’s nothing like spending the weekend in a hospital to give you a little perspective. I blogged previously about feeling dizzy and nauseous, and I attributed it to the in-ear, sound-isolating headphones that I bought. Well, I don’t think that said headphones were the cause as much as a possible contributing factor. Things got so bad on Friday (I couldn’t even sit still without the room spinning on me and me feeling like I had to throw up) that I went to the local Emergency Room, which led to my being admitted into Read more…

PSP Screen Protector from Scotchgard

100_5656 Originally uploaded by vanRijn I’ve been looking for a better screen protector for my PSP than the one I had (a Hori) and was just about to go out and spend $20 on an Invisible Shield, but I found people talking about using 3m Scotchgard instead. It’s certainly less expensive, and if it works, $11 gives me more than enough for everything I could possibly want to cover (Palm Treo, PSP, 3 iPods, Swatch watch, etc.). So I gave it a shot. Pretty good results too! In my first trial run, I used Windex to apply the Scotchgard to the PSP and there were really tiny bubbles that I just couldn’t get out. But the second time, I used Read more…

In-Ear Headphones and Puking Yer Guts Out?

I bought $180 of in-ear headphones to try out (the Shure SE210’s and the Sennheiser CX300’s) and both of them, I think, made me feel dizzy to the point of falling over and feeling like I was going to hurl my guts out the next morning. I’ve blogged previously about motion sickness, but this is just frightening and frustrating and badness. Does this make any sense to anyone? Is it possible to be predisposed to dizziness and room-spinning-ness? Are in-ear, noise-isolating headphones known for making you feel dizzy, causing the room to spin on you, and not take effect until the next morning? I felt fine while I was listening to them. But after I took them off, went to Read more…

Prep Your PSP for Armageddon

The Hori screen protector that I have on my PSP has managed to become poked and has subsequently created a bubble on my PSP’s screen. So I was looking at getting an InvisibleShield screen protector, being that they’re all but bullet-proof. And then I saw a couple of crazy nuts that talked about just buying some 3m Scotchgard sheets (you know… the stuff they put on the fronts of cars now to protect them from rocks, dirt, and small farm animals) and cutting it to size and saving vast amounts of coin. Wellsir, that’s just crazy enough that it simply has to work! So I scoured around a bit and came across this little gem to help you Prep Your Read more…

Following The Ninth

I was going to update my previous post about the amazing movie, Copying Beethoven, with this, but I am sufficiently taken to generate a new post. Kerry Candaele commented on my last post with a link to his forthcoming movie called Following The Ninth, so I visited his site and I am very, very impressed. The short, 7-minute preview of his work in progress fully echoes my thoughts and feelings about Beethoven and his amazing Ninth Symphony. Even better, it shows the impact that the Ninth is still having in our generation today. One of my favorite quotes from the clip: “This piece enters your bloodstream and then changes who you are. The entire blueprint of everything… of society, of Read more…

Beethoven: Still Imminently Magical

I just watched one of the most amazing movies that I have ever seen: the excellent Copying Beethoven. I have always been deeply fascinated with the genius that is Ludwig van Beethoven. I grew up listening to my mom playing his pieces on our piano, and have enjoyed the complexity and overwhelming emotion found both in the observation and participation of his immense talent. In particular, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony has something that resonates in my soul like nothing else ever has. The second movement (Molto vivace – Presto) has such passion and raw power and ferocity and strength and beauty and peace!!! It is everything that life should have in it, and I am amazed at Beethoven’s ability to make Read more…

Eclipse versus Netbeans

Now, this one I’m really speaking out of the side of my head on… This is totally based on first impressions of NetBeans, albeit after 3<x<5 hours have been invested in said first impressions… I’ve been using Eclipse and CDT for a while for my day job at VMware (which, by the by, totally rocks!!!). And for the most part, Eclipse+CDT really does a nice job at helping me maneuver around our very large code base and lowering the learning curve after I’ve figured out how to teach it about include paths that it can’t figure out on its own. As a C++ IDE, it’s very nice, responsive, stable, and it definitely helps in learning the code base via being Read more…

Zypper versus Smart

sudo zypper update: 2 Problems:Problem: No valid solution found with just resolvables of best architecture.Problem: Cannot install java-1_5_0-sun-plugin, because it is conflicting with java-1_6_0-sun-plugin Problem: No valid solution found with just resolvables of best architecture. With this run only resolvables with the best architecture have been regarded.Regarding all possible resolvables takes time, but can come to a valid result. Solution 1: Make a solver run with ALL possibilities. Regarding all resolvables with a compatible architecture.number, (r)etry or (c)ancel> 1Applying solution 1 Problem: Cannot install java-1_5_0-sun-plugin, because it is conflicting with java-1_6_0-sun-plugin A conflict over java-1.5.0-plugin == 1.5.0_update14 (java-1.5.0-plugin) requires the removal of java-1_5_0-sun-plugin-1.5.0_update14-0.1.i586[opensuse-updates] which is scheduled for installation=== java-1_5_0-sun-plugin-1.5.0_update14-0.1.i586[opensuse-updates] === java-1_5_0-sun-plugin-1.5.0_update14-0.1.i586[opensuse-updates] is needed by atom:java-1_5_0-sun-plugin-1.5.0_update14-0.1.i586[opensuse-updates] (java-1_5_0-sun-plugin >= 1.5.0_update14-0.1) findutils-4.2.31-24.i586 is Read more…