Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: Movies

Beyond the Sea, beyond my expectations

I had this one sitting on my desk for 2 weeks at least from Blockbuster online rental. I had read somewhere that it was good, and I have always absolutely loved Bobby Darin’s voice and style. But I was not prepared for this amazing movie. Beyond the Sea really affected me in a deep and profound way. I find that most intelligent movies do this to me, and I’m not really sure why, but my whole being is touched by movies that have powerful themes like Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, Vanilla Sky, Signs, Road to Perdition, and many others. My mood, thinking, and perspective on my life is challenged when I watch movies like this, and Beyond the Sea is Read more…

Yes, Marge, it is possible to watch those movies with your kids

So, my beautiful bride and I had an opportunity the other night to spend the evening without two of our children, which left just the two of us and our beautiful daughter (we’ll call her Kiwi here). We enjoyed a few serene and peaceful hours at the local Borders, looking through whatever books we found to tickle our fancy. And then we came home, thinking that we could watch some movies with Kiwi, being that she’s getting older now and stuff. And what movies we have to choose from, just let me tell you! Movies I love to watch with Lynn, like O Brother, Where Art Thou, The Transporter, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Mission Impossible, Undercover Blues, and many, many Read more…

Some predictions for you about Episode III, and why I will hate it

I just got finished reading through the eReader version of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, The Illustrated Screenplay on my Clie. I shall now make some observations and predictions about this movie and the future events in my life surrounding it. So… stand back. I am going to hate this movie. I am going to watch it anyway, for several simple reasons, including: It will be the hottest thing in the way of movies this year. George Lucas had me at Episode IV back when I was knee-high to an R2, trying to tune in the unpaid channels on my parents TV with dials, leaving me with the dis-satisfying experience of watching C3-PO and R2-D2 walking the Read more…

Ocean’s Twelve

So, I just spent a good couple of hours with my lovely wifey watching Ocean’s Twelve, and I can recommend it for your viewing pleasure, and thanks for asking. I will say, however, that the first twelve minutes of the movie (pun intended) had me cringing. It sure seemed to me that the movie starts off trying to use as many cliches as possible, and doing so many of the things (The Whole Ten Yards, anyone?) that are done in sequels, which totally and completely ruin the movie, for me at least. One of the most offensive of these aforementioned “things” is the frequent use of the title of the first movie interspersed in the characters’ dialogs. *twitch* But I Read more…

Signs: I love and hate movies like this!

So, I finally rented and watched Signs, the uber-freaky, scary, funny, thoroughly enjoyable, “make my heart beat really really fast and make me keep looking behind me to make sure the door is closed and aliens aren’t going to grab me” movie. Holy smokes. What a great movie. First, I had gone into the movie thinking that surely, something other than aliens would be the explanation of the crop-circles, but I was obviously wrong. And I LOVE how the movie was completely unapologetic about this. From the first glimpse of the shadowy clearly-alien figure on the roof of the house, the movie made it very clear about what was coming. The brilliant part of it all was that that only Read more…

Fahrenheit 9/11

So, now I’m just depressed. Having never paid much attention to things political before a month ago, I was hoping to spend a solid month investigating said things, get a healthy bit of knowledge, and be well-armed with all the information necessary to vote responsibly in less than a month. I believe that now I’m more confused than I was before watching this movie. From an art-form perspective, the movie was well-done. I’ve not seen any of Michael Moore’s movies previously, I don’t believe, but he seems to do a good enough job of getting his points across artistically. He definitely carries an agenda, but so will any piece of political “information”, I believe. Like my Dad used to say, Read more…

gladiator, the movie

I don’t know why movies affect me so much, but they really do. I’ve always been this way, as long as I can remember. I still remember getting horribly freaked out by The Shaggy DA, watching it with my parents and siblings growing up. The Thing was another horrible one. *shiver* I think it might be that my mind soaks up visual images so easily and simply refuses to let go of them. I think it also might be because my mind is predisposed to a suspension of disbelief. Whatever the reason, movies always affect me for longer than I’d like them to. Sometimes they make me moody and no fun to be around (sorry honey). Sometimes they make me Read more…