Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Author: Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper

Wanted: VIM in Eclipse

I’ve been looking for a way to have VIM functionality inside Eclipse for a long time. SlickEdit has it, sort of, but it’s prohibitively expensive and ugly. And then I saw this nifty little vimplugin sourceforge project and got my hopes all up. Sadly, it’s not quite there yet. After figuring out how to associate *.cc files to the Vim plugin (note to vimplugin guys: Maybe stick a README or some docs on how to use the plugin in the tarball?), I saw that I was unable to open more than one VIM tab in Eclipse at a time. In addition, there is no contextual/outline view associated to the code once you’re in the VIM editor as there is with Read more…

The Demise of a Moleskine (Binding)

Oh No’s! My beloved Moleskine has torn itself asunder! Behold, the ripped binding. For $15, you’d think they’d be a little more resilient than this! And no, my deluxe custom black duct tape pen holder is not to blame (I don’t think?). Oh, intrepid fellow Moleskine users: is this kind of senseless violence unprecedented? [ Update (2008-03-19: ] Moleskine has come through for me and send me a replacement!!

Openbox 3.4.6 and ObConf 2.0.3 released

I ran across this on Planet Gnome… Openbox 3.4.6 and ObConf 2.0.3 released Feb 02, 2008 – 12:53 pm EST Openbox 3.4.6 and ObConf 2.0.3 have been released for mass consumption! This Openbox release introduces a new look! The Clearlooks theme has been updated to match the latest GTK Clearlooks engine. As well Openbox and ObConf are both sporting shiny new icons. Wow! That takes me back a ways!! Openbox was a fork started by the supremely-talented Ben Jansens (oh x0r, where have you gone?) and a couple of other talented guys who used to be hardcore blackbox dudes. I had no idea Openbox was still being developed! Rock on, guys! =:)

Okay, I watched the SuperBowl

It actually felt pretty good to “unplug”, as it was put in The Matrix, and allow my brain to focus on nothing other than family, video games, and good old-fashioned American football today. I just realized today that I’ve not had an truly restful weekend in about 3 months, what with new job, travelling, trying to sell a house, realtor-ish stuff, miscellaneous stress, etc. So it was a nice break from overwhelming life today. Since I’ve not watched football (or much of TV at all) since last year’s Charger’s game, we didn’t even know who (other than the Patriots) were playing today. But we decided to root for the underdogs (The Giants), and it was a very exciting game! I Read more…

Review Board and KDE!

Ooh, just saw this excerpt from Aaron: in other news, Matt Rogers has set up a review board installation which i want to start using to streamline the patch review process in plasma. Matt has set up a group for Kopete already, i’ve noticed, too. if all goes well, we’ll find a permanent home for it and maybe even start getting other kde projects using it =) Awesome! I can tell you from experience that Review Board is one seriously cool tool. Having been the initiator of the code review process at Rite Aid, I would have loved to have had it as an available option, but was stuck using cvs diff, a2ps, reams of paper each week, and large Read more…

4 KDE Geeks on a San Francisco Walkabout

4 KDE Geeks on a San Francisco Walkabout Originally uploaded by vanRijn This was at the start of our 3 hour tour, which led us from 3rd and Market street, to Fort Mason, to Fisherman’s Wharf, then back by trolley (!) to 3rd and Market. Man, I’m tired! Left to right: me, Thiago, Helio, and Adriaan.

Konqi, Katie, and KDE Geekery At Its Finest

No more need be said. =:)

Memorable Moments/Randomeness From Day One

Woohoo! Day one from the KDE Launch Event at Mountain View, CA, and I’m tired, stoked, tired, excited, and… tired. Memorable spots include: Waking up at 3:00 a.m., EST, flying all day, getting stuck in Silicon Valley traffic for 2 hours, etc. Visiting a beautiful, big mall in Santa Clara. My eldest would LOVE this! Walking into an actual Swatch store and buying a new, nifty, unique watch. (I used to wear no watch unless it was a Swatch but haven’t had one in a few years. Love them!) Finding the new version of my old Nike Prestos and buying a pair! Finally getting to meet and talk to Adriaan, after having worked with him for 4+ years. Drinking a Read more…

Return of the Singer

One artist that I’ve always admired is Kevin Max. I always enjoyed his voice in dc Talk, and though he hasn’t enjoyed the success that TobyMac or Michael Tait, I think he’s every bit as talented. I just found a nice little interview with the man and I must say, I LOVE the new look, Kevin. =:D This is what I’m aiming for… my new look. =;) Some bits that I totally identify with: So how would you say life is different from five years ago? Max: As a 40-year-old, I think it’s a time for me to mellow. The kids keep me on my toes, but I’m really more of a family guy as opposed to a guy who’s Read more…

KDE4 Just Plain Kicks Butt

Okay, seriously, KDE4 is really, really nice. I had been running from svn for the last few months and things tend to get crufty after a while of that… Unless you do a full uninstall and reinstall between weeks, things just kind of get progressively worse. Files get moved, libraries change names, you end up with broken stuff, etc., etc. So I just started clean and rm -rf’d ~/.kde4, rm -rf’d my local kde4 installation, and used OpenSUSE’s excellent KDE4 repository for all of the KDE4 packages. WOW! Clean, neat, nice, totally functional, wow, wow, wow! Excellent work, all involved! And, best of all, we finally got mouse cursor changes to work without having to restart X!!!  Holy COW! I Read more…