Kasperian Moving Parts

kinda like Batman, but with a wife and 3 kids


Category: Google

Trying Out This Here Google AdSense Thingie

I really should have done this years ago, back when I was syndicated on a couple of FOSS planet RSS aggregators. *sigh* Anyway, after talking to my good friend Scott Knaub, and hearing how much money he periodically gets from just putting Google ads on his pages (I mean, it’s not tons of $CASHDOLLARZ, but still, every little bit counts!), I realized that I really need to look into doing just that. Of course, that was several months ago and I’ve had it on my ToDo list ever since. But better late than never? So, it’s not like anyone reads my blog anymore anyway, but in the off chance that you do and you have thoughts about it, please speak up. Read more…

Random Musings About a Good Week

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged (I blame Twitter), and I had an interesting week, this last, so I figured I’d blog about it. Probably should be a bunch of individual posts, but blef and here goes…. Yesterday was an awesome end to an otherwise already pretty good week. I got to play Tetrinet with my team at work and while this may not seem like a big deal, it was to me. Being that I’m currently working remotely, it’s very easy to feel isolated and alone and disconnected most of the time. Until I figure out how to build a virtual presence robot (like Twiki, maybe, except instead of  Dr. Theopolis hanging around his neck, it would be Read more…

KDE/Qt California People Sightings!!

I’m out in California this week (belated warning) again, WOOT! I got to spend another awesome weekend at the Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit. This year, Leo and I were the official KDE representatives, but Thiago, Simon, Ariya, and Olivier got to join in on the fun too. And then today and tomorrow are the Qt DevDays, where I finally got to meet blauzahl, greeneg, and hays, as well as catch up again with the Qt dudes and njaard. It’s a really, hectic, crazy week, trying to cram everything into it, and I’m tired as hell, but it’s been an awesome week thus far. Hopefully my body will hold off on the usual travelling sickness until I get home. Read more…


So I spent a couple of hours tonight hacking on KPilot instead of going to bed like a smart little boy (sorry, honey!!! =:( ), and I fixed a couple of nagging problems that’ve been bugging me for months that I’ve just not been able to find the time to dig in and investigate. I think that’s the problem. At this stage in my life, there  simply is no time unless it is forcibly wrenched away from my family or sleep. Blef. Anyway, I digress… As this year’s Google Summer of Code winds down to an abrupt end (Pencils down on Monday?? Already??), I am once again very satisfied and impressed with the job that Bertjan has done. He’s continued Read more…

GMail Now Does IMAP!

Since I have several times been rather loud in my… we’ll call it “encouragement”… for Google to provide IMAP access to their hosted GMail mail, it’s only fair that I’m equally loud in my gratitude and accolades now that they’ve done just that!! Woot!! Although they don’t explicitly list KMail as a supported client on their setup page, it, of course, works just fine.  And I’m ecstatic that I can now get rid of one more layer of technical complexity (okay, it’s a stupid, ugly, storage-duplicating hack, just like everybody else has had to do) in my email setup. Again, Woot!!! Google: you have made a big step just now in not doing evil.  Thank you!!!  Please give everyone involved Read more…

Using Gmail for mailto: links

Blame it on Seb, but I’ve been using Gmail’s web interface lately. This is partly because I’m in the middle of another life-changing job transition (but this one I’m really excited about, aside from the great white sharks and the triangle of death), partly because I like change (and after having used nothing but kmail for a few years now, I’m ready for a change if for nothing other than to see how we in KDE PIM land can do things better), and partly because I’m trying to keep less personal data on my work laptop. I have been using Google’s Apps For Your Domain for the last year or so, and I like it much good. However, one thing Read more…

… and friends were made

I had absolutely the most amazing time at this year’s Google Summer of Code Mentor’s Summit. I’m sure I’ll sound like quite the gushing fan-boy, but so be it. I’ve been involved in the KDE project for the last couple of years. I can thank Adriaan deGroot fully for getting me hooked, and also for being a great mentor and friend throughout. Until this last weekend, I had not actually met any other KDE geek in the flesh. Living in the United States as I do, I’ve met many a GNOME zealot and developer, but nary a KDE kindred spirit. And so, I am still coming down off of the “high” of getting to spend this last weekend with both Read more…

KPilot SOC Progress, OpenSync, and Espresso

Our little KPilot Summer of Code project that Bertjan and I are co-laboring on is going fairly well. We’re working through finalizing the Use Case, with me helping out with some word-smithing and architectural review (http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/base/design/ ). Bertjan has started doing Class and Sequence diagrams for the main and alternate flows (http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/base/design/bouml-design/ ). We’re pretty much on-track according to our schedule (http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/base/design/SOC2007-schedule.ods?view=log ) And Bertjan has set up some info on his blog (http://bertjan.broeksemaatjes.nl/), and has done some level of progress-updates as well ( http://bertjan.broeksemaatjes.nl/node/4). Also, I had a very interesting conversation with the inimitable JPR on Friday about a little bit of this and a little bit of that… and we chatted a bit about KPilot and OpenSync and Read more…

Google Summer of Code and KPilot

Coming to a town near you!!! Well, okay, not quite, but we’re making progress. Here’s a tentative schedule: SOC Schedule for Bertjan, Kpilot, 2007           From To Focus   May 28: Students begin coding for their GSoC projects; Google begins issuing initial student payments Week 01 May 28, 2007 Jun 2, 2007 Write Use Case documentation of all conduit flows Week 02 Jun 4, 2007 Jun 9, 2007 Review and revise Use Case documentation with mentor Week 03 Jun 11, 2007 Jun 16, 2007 Create Sequence and Class Diagrams from Use Case documentation for all conduit flows. Week 04 Jun 18, 2007 Jun 23, 2007 Review and revise Sequence and Class Diagrams with mentor. All flows Read more…

Google SOC, KDE, KPilot, and Me

Woohoo!! It’s official!! This year, KDE is once again participating in Google’s Summer Of Code (SOC), and we have 40 projects that have been approved by Google! Thankfully, KDE PIM has more than a couple of approved projects (which is really good news!!). Also, I will be a mentor this year (first time, yay!) for a much-needed KPilot SOC project which will go a long way towards making KPilot maintainable, stable, and more consistent (read: better, faster, easier to follow, and less bugs)! I will be working with Bertjan on the project and am looking forward to getting some more momentum behind KPilot (only the best Palm-synching solution in existence today….).